Chapter 4

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Since nobody knows Hermione's parents names I'm naming them Amanda and John Granger.

Harry and Amelia had an amazing Summer they learned about their godfathers and about the Black case and decided it was Peter Petigrew who helped kill their parent's. Serious Black was innocent and has been wrongfully put in Azkaban prison for 11 years. They also sent letter's to Draco and Hermione through nicknames so if Lucius, Draco's dad, were to look at the letter's he wouldn't know who sent them. Petunia and Amanda exchanged numbers and decided to hang out more. Draco got permission from Narcissa to visit them after their 2nd year at Hogwarts. (She had to be sure they would stay his friends over summer vacation and through 2nd year.)

They stood in line to get their books but Harry was pushed on accident by one of the Weasley twins who kept apologizing. The person selling the books also the writer of them spotted Harry and forced him up to the front. "Harry Potter. Smile!" Gilderoy Lockhart said pulling Harry into a tight grip. Harry pulled away as fast as he could and Lockhart gave him a smile that crept him out. "Here all your books for free." Lockhart said and dropped a handful of books in his hands. Multiple photo's were shot. Harry walked away giving them to Amelia who was laughing with Hermione at the reaction "Now for our books." Harry said getting back in line with Hermione. They walked up and paid for the books they grabbed "I thought I gave you free books?" Lockhart asked "You did and I gave them to Amelia." Harry said "Who?" He asked "My little sister." Harry said and Lockhart looked where Harry pointed and saw her. "That's your sister?" Lockhart asked and Harry nodded before him and Hermione walked back to Amelia. Amelia teleported their books to their suitcases.

"Enjoyed that didn't you Potter?" They heard Draco say as he walked down Harry looked to see him "Draco Malfoy." Harry said with a straight face. Molly Weasley looked over hearing what Draco said and watched the interaction. Then they both broke into the biggest smiles. "Hey Harry." Draco said and Harry ran and tackled him in a hug. "Dray!" He yelled "Harry you'll crush him!" Hermione yelled "It's fine 'Mione." Draco said "Ah so these are your friends?" Narcissa said from behind them. Harry pulled off of Draco "Oh no need. I know." Narcissa said and winked. Harry and Draco blushed "Oh yes Draco's told me everything about you." Narcissa said and Draco blushed more. Molly and Arthur walked over to the five of them. "Harry and Amelia?" Molly asked and they all looked at the two. "Yes?" Amelia asked "My husband has something to say that is very delayed." Molly said and jabbed Arthur in his side. "And that is?" Harry asked crossing his arms. "I-uh-I'm sorry I stole from your vault my family was suffering and I needed money actually Professor Dumbledore gave me permission-" Arthur said "Wait Albus Dumbledore gave you permission to steal from two, at the time, 8 year old children's vault." Narcissa asked "Yes he did." Arthur said "Well that's not odd." Draco said sarcastically "What house are you two in and why are you with the Malfoy's?" Arthur asked "Were in Slytherin and he was the first person nice to us." Amelia said "How are you in Slytherin your parents were Gryffindor?" Molly asked "It's just where they belong." Hermione said "Hermione your a muggle born aren't you." Arthur asked "Yes in fact I am got a problem?" Hermione said "He doesn't have a problem he's obsessed with Muggles and everything they own." Draco said "I'm just curious as to why a Malfoy is being nice to a muggle born." Arthur said and Molly elbowed him in the side again "Have a nice day." Molly said before dragging Arthur away. All the kids laughed. "You three need to walk away and act like you never saw us ok my husband is coming." Narcissa said and all the kids turned around walking away.

"Hello Narcissa and Draco." Lucius said "Lucius/Father." Narcissa and Draco said. Lucius walked over to the Wesley's and picked up Ginny's books then stared at them and put them down saying some rude things and left. Harry watched this happen and noticed him do something before he walked over to his family. He looked over and made eye-contact with Harry "Harry Potter?" Lucius asked and Harry turned to face him "What?" Harry said annoyance pure in his voice. Amelia jabbed him in his side with her elbow "Sorry for his rudeness." She said fake smiling. "Ah it's fine and you are?" He asked "Amelia." She said "Lia don't talk to him he gets on my nerves." Harry said and looked at Draco who gave him a sorry look. "I've heard about you." Lucius said "Yep a lot of people have." Harry said "Mr. Potter what house are you in Gryffindor right?" Lucius asked "None of your business Lia, 'Mione let's go." Harry said and winked at Draco who looked away so his dad didn't see his blush and pulled a book out. Lucius looked back to see where Harry winked and just saw his son reading a book. He turned back missing seeing Draco teare a page from it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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