Chapter 2

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Harry and Amelia were taken by Hagrid to get their stuff for school and he left them at the train station explaining to Amelia what to do. They went down to the platform where they rushed through and got onto the train. They walked through and saw a compartment with one blonde haired boy in it "Excuse me can we sit here?" Harry asked and the boy looked up "What's your name?" The boy asked "Harry Potter." Harry said and the boys eyes widened "You can sit down." The boy said and Amelia and Harry walked in hand in hand. "Who are you." The boy asked her "Amelia Potter Harry's twin." Amelia said "Huh, Draco Malfoy, didn't know the Potter's had twins." Draco said "You know us?" Harry asked "Of course the Potter family is known for 'the boy who lived' that's what they call you apparently. I'm now the only student who knows of Amelia." Draco said talking to Harry. "Well we should be off soon." Amelia said and Draco nodded as a family crashed in "Here comes the Weasley family last year the father Arthur was cought stealing money, from you two actually." Draco said and Amelia and Harry scowled "You know I can see that your twins but whose older?" Draco asked "Me, Lia is more mature though." Harry said rubbing the back of his neck and Draco nodded "You have the same eyes." Draco said as they watched two boys from the Weasley family walk with their backs straight while two others, identicle twins ran and shoved past them. "This will be an interesting year Ron Weasley is known for attitude and not the funny kind. All their family ends up in Gryffindor. To me Slytherin is best." Draco said and Harry and Amelia nodded "Well I'm exhausted so I'll be going to sleep now." Amelia said as she had been up all night memorizing random potions. She laid down and Harry moved next to Draco.

Draco held out his hands for Harry to shake and Harry took it. They felt a rush of energy flow through them and stared at their hands Draco and Harry knowing what this meant both flushed red.

"Guess were mates then." Harry said and Draco nodded "Seems so. Might as well act as it." Draco said and Harry blushed more "We should probably know each other more before we get into anything." Harry said and Draco flushed from embarrassment "Yeah so 20 questions?" Draco offered. Harry nodded.

Question 1-favorite color- Draco=Silver Harry=Black
Question 2-favorite animal- Draco=ferret Harry=Owl
Question 3-favorite food
Question 4-family member names- Draco=Narcissa, Lucius, more Harry=Lilly, James, Petunia, Vernon, Amelia, Dudley
Question 5-favorite care taker- Draco=Narcissa Harry=Petunia
Question 6-dark or milk chocolate- both=milk chocolate
Question 7-birthday- Draco=June 5th,1980 Harry=July 31st, 1980
Question 8-lucky number- Draco=13 Harry=3
Question 9-favorite activity- Draco=Potions Harry=Hanging with Lia
Question 10-dogs or cats- Draco=Cats Harry=Dogs
Question 11-enjoy alone time or being with people- both=small group of people
Question 12-beach or going camping- Both=beach
Question 13-least favorite food- Draco=Pork Harry=Pickled eggs
Question 14-least favorite color- Draco=Pink Harry=opaque couché
Question 15-what instantly calms you- Draco=Yelling about problems Harry=Punching something
Question 16-what do you most prize- Draco=Potions book's Harry=Amelia
Question 17-what do you like the most- Both=Sleeping
Question 18-what annoys you the most- Draco=Muggleborns who try to change him, Harry=Anyone mean to people close to him
Question 19-What is your creature inheritance- Harry=Snake and Veela, Draco=Vampire
Question 20-do you wish you had more siblings- Draco=Sometimes then he wouldn't be as lonely, Harry=Maybe another little sister
Question 21-do you want kids- Both=Yeah.

Harry and Draco blushed once again with the last question "I guess I know more about you now." Draco said and Harry grabbed his hand "Yeah you do." Harry said and smiled slightly. "Have any of you seen a toad a boy on the train lost his?" A young girl asked opening the compartment "No." Harry said and turned back to Draco talking to him again this time about the houses at Hogwarts and how they hoped to share a room if they made it into the same one. The girl sighed and walked off but not before saying that they should get dressed because they were arriving soon.

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