Milo Belladonna

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Ah, Camp Spooky... The stage of some of our dearest summers. Back then, we were young and unafraid. It was a good opportunity for you to spend your time with your dear classmates and school friends and possibly come out of your shell.

Maybe you could find yourself a possible date. And steal everyone else's date idea while you're at it, for a meteor shower was apparently going to take place on the last day of camp.

Every single one of your classmates flocked to the idea of a summer romance like pigeons around a pile of seeds. And all of their eyes were on the six coolest people on the bus.

You couldn't deny that all six of them had a certain, unique charm that pulled you to them in some way. All of them were uniquely terrifying and most likely didn't waste a single thought on you but you were completely fine with that.

It's not like you were actively looking for a date while everyone was panicking about prom, why would that suddenly change at camp?

Well, your goals didn't exactly change but through sheer happenstance, you have managed to catch the eye of some of the classmates that have previously ignored you. More people wanted to hang out with you this summer and you couldn't tell if it was out of a genuine desire to get to know you or because you were the only person they were all willing to talk to if their lives depended on it.

However, the person that caught you off guard the most with their attention was Milo Belladonna.

It seemed strange to you to have the attention of the literal personification of death on you. One might assume they planned to reap your soul. But as it turns out that wasn't the case.

Milo really just wanted to spend time with you.

For a reason you can't figure out.

The reaper proceeded to follow you throughout the entire camp like a lost puppy. They seemed to enjoy themselves with you and took interest in the few things you did that weren't directly camp-related.

While you were enjoying their attention, you still preferred them to leave you at least a few hours of alone time.

You were experiencing some strange feelings with them, feelings you couldn't identify. This caused your already closed-off demeanor to become worse as you discussed topics less and less with them.

If they noticed, they didnt comment on it. They just continued doing their thing. Speaking of which...

Snap! Slowly, you turn your gaze from your book to the phone in your friend's dark grey hand.

"What are you doing, Milo?" You questioned them as they typed something before turning their attention towards you. "Sent a quick snap to Joy, Darling, don't stress yourself out."

As is usual with you, you stress anyway.

"... I remember telling you I hate having pictures taken of me."

"You were distracted, I thought you wouldn't mind," the reaper reasoned. It didn't ease your nerves one bit. "Besides, you look good in every picture you're in." They showed you the picture they took which was just a selfie of you both, Milo posing with a peace sign while you were distracted by the piece of literature on your lap.

To be honest with yourself, spending that evening on the lake sand with them and just enjoying each other's company in silence felt nice.

Even though you felt Milo was a bit invasive, you figured it wasn't worth reasoning with them. They may know your boundaries and respect them well enough but sometimes, their inner (and outer) influencer takes them over.

Right now, you're just glad that the picture was private and sent to the only other person in this crazy camp who respects your boundaries.

With that small distraction out of the way, you lean back against Milo and continue silently reading your book.

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