Milo Belladonna Pt.2

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Who would've thought that spending more time with Milo over the next few days would get you closer to them? Wow, you are shocked. How surprising. Totally not meant to be sarcastic at all.

Ever since that strange boundary talk at the lake, you felt your connection to the reaper grow stronger. Funny how a person reaffirming and respecting your boundaries was enough of a selling point for you. Quick question, how touch-starved are you?

Now anything you previously did alone, you brought Milo with you whenever you could. While they're sometimes busy with other campers (because they have a life outside of you, duh), they gladly take some time out of their day to spend with you.

Following you around like a lost puppy seems to have worked in their favor, you can't seem to do anything without them anymore.

Meaning you can, it's just less lonely with them around. You didn't even have to do anything with them specifically, their silent company was enough for you.

What didn't change is your attitude towards having pictures taken of yourself. Milo still snuck around and found excuses to take photos of you, ranging from how adorable you looked in their robe to just capturing your concentrated gaze while you watched Joy do her witchy things.

Everything you did seemed to be worthy of having a picture taken. At this point, it happened so often that it would just be a waste of energy to get upset at them for not asking for permission. After all, they still warned you when they were going to record a video for their fans or host a live stream. They kept your existence hidden.

That was something to be relieved about, right?

Well, lately you'd been wondering how much self-restraint they had and how much Milo just had to think about you when they were taking pictures. The mere act of slightly moving their arm so you'd sit out of frame would be enough to ruin the otherwise perfect angle of their selfie and they'd have to find a completely different angle to make up for it all because you wanted to stay off the internet.

Was it too much work for them to simply think about you? All the other campers seemed to be just fine being by Milo's side every few videos or so, yet you've been stubborn and determined enough to keep your existence hidden.

It had to be exhausting for sure... Were you exhausting?

These thoughts were plaguing you for days, your smile not being as bright as it used to be and your attention span becoming shorter. Every time you tried to concentrate on one thing, Milo would invade your mind and put you out of your element. Your camp projects became more half-assed and rushed than before when you put all your thoughts and efforts into them.

It seemed the other campers noticed your distracted state and tried to encourage you. Zoe and Joy especially were hellbent on getting you out of your almost dissociative state but they only succeeded for a short time before you went back to zoning out.

It seemed like the only way your mind would be at peace was to start talking about it to Milo. Otherwise, you'd start having sleepless nights.

So that's what you set out to do. You went out on the free day that Camp Director Miss Weaving was kind enough to give once a week in search of the reaper. You searched all the places you thought they'd be. They were extroverted as all hell, maybe they'd be at the lake party or something.

But alas, you weren't able to find them anywhere. They kept themself hidden pretty well to your surprise. At least until you remembered the one place you didn't check.

The haunted manor.

Frankly, you disliked visiting the manor. Only Zoe's and Joy's companies gave you enough confidence to roam the halls and big rooms of the abandoned building. Besides, you may have preferred the dark but the manor was stupidly dark. The 'you can't even see your own hand in front of you' kind of dark. You weren't gonna risk falling down a flight of stairs for a cool hideout.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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