Party and Truth

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Andrea's POV

   I woke up, and got out of bed. I went to the closet, and looked through Hope's clothes. Nothing good to wear. I grabbed a pair of jeans, a red ruched top, with black boots. I put the clothes on, and looked in the full body mirror in the bedroom. Thankfully, Hope and I are also the same size. I put on some eyeliner, and pulled my hair into a ponytail. 

   I grabbed a blood bag out of the mini fridge in Hope's room, and drank it. I had brought some blood bags, and I was surprised Hope has her own bathroom, and her own mini fridge in her room. I guess it might be because of this year being her last. I walked out of the room, and Lizzie walked over to me. 

  She said, " Hope. Ready for class?"

  I said, " Yeah."

  She said, " Good. Spell lab is mainly review from the whole year."

  I followed her to the classroom downstairs. I had found Hope's school schedule in her room, and went to the rest of the classes. I was confused as to why Hope doesn't have any werewolf classes. All of her classes are mainly for witches, basic witches. These spells they learn here aren't even dark magic, or defensive spells. 

  After classes, I took a walk around the school. I walked down to the docks, and sat down on the edge. 

  I heard footsteps behind me, and the person said, " Hope."

 I turned around, and seen a guy standing there, with short curly hair. I said, " What's up?"

  He said, " Mind if I sit?"

   I said, " Go ahead."

  He sat down beside me, and said, " Josie told me what happened between you and Clarke. I am sorry about that. I know we broke up, but I am here for you."

  Oh, so this is Landon, Hope's ex. I can tell he still has feelings for her, by the way he is looking at me.

  I said, "  Thanks. I am just trying to get past it. So, you and Josie?"

  He said, " No, we are friends."

  I nodded, and said, " Want to sneak off campus to the grill?"

  He said, " I would love to, but Raf and the wolves are throwing a party tonight at the mill. Wanna come?"

  I smiled, and said, " I would love to."

 He smiled. and we looked back at the lake, as the sun is going down. I soon laid my head on Landon's shoulder, and he didn't seem to mind. I am going to start by ruining Hope's friendships, and starting with Landon. 

   When it got dark, I lifted my head odd Landon's shoulder, and said, " I guess we should get going."

  He said, " Yeah."

  We stood up off the dock, and walked to the old mill together, and we talked on the way. 

   We went towards a table with red solo cups, and I grabbed one cup. I drank it all, and Landon said, " I have never thought of you as a beer drinker, Hope."

  I said, " A lot has changed, Landon. Where is Raf?"

  He said, " Up top."

  He pointed up top, and we saw a guy standing on the roof of the mill, and jumped down, flipped twice in the air, and landed on his knees. That must be Raf, and he is a wolf. 

   He walked over to Landon and I. I said, " Hey, Raf. Nice trick."

  He said, " What do you mean a trick? I just learned that."

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