(3) colors

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Colors everywhere. Everything a sequence of rainbows and more. Right in the middle of the swirl sat joker, laughing sinisterly.

Bruce slowly stated to walk down the spiral, but getting dizzy and disoriented with all the flashing lights and colors. He was nauseous and light headed.

The joker kicked Bruce over. He slammed the back of his head onto the ground. Joker sat on his neck, restricting airflow. He plunged a knife into Bruce's cheek while cackling.

Bruce screamed in pain and tried franticly to push the joker off of him. Tears streamed down Bruce's face. Blood gushed out of the wound.

Joker slowly drug the knife across his face, pushing harder and harder.

Bruce grabbed the handle of the knife, blood now in his eye. He tried to yank it away from the jokers grasp but couldn't.





Bruce slowly felt numb. Until he-

Bruce shot up, pinning the Riddler who was using him as a pillow to the bed.

"We're you choking me?!"

The Riddler yelped at the sudden movement, trying to collect his senses together.

"Wh-what? Why the hell would I do that in you sleep?! I'm not a psycho.."

Bruce let go of the Riddler and scoffed. His face still hot with tears, his eyes puffy and blood shot. He tried to stand but failed to noticed that his ankle was chained to the corner of the bed.

He fell.

Bruce groaned and sat back up on the bed, he felt where his cheek had been punctured, maybe he had just bit it in his sleep?


"Not a psycho, pfft yea right."

He wiped tears from his cheek aggressively, not wanting to look as pathetic as everyone thinks he is.

"Are you-"

"I'm fine."

Riddler stood up and put his hands of defensively. "Maybe I am a psycho, but that makes you one too, doesn't it?"

Bruce looked away, he was right. They were almost the same, one just does what the other promised not to do.


Riddler walked over to his desk and turned on the lamp. Finally some light flooded the room. Bruce could see where he was now, though he figured he was on the bed.

He sat down and shuffled through some papers. He wrote down a few things, Bruce watching him like a hawk.

Riddler grabbed a journal that sat under the desk. He flipped though to an open page l, and scribbled down what had happened that day.

"You have a diary."

"I would call it that bats. It's a tracker so I can remember important things. I shouldn't have to explain that to someone as smart as you."


"Are you planning to starve me to death riddler?"

"No, and don't call me riddler, there's no need when you know my name."

"So is food a thought?"

"You clearly never went to bed hungry."

Bruce turned over, his sides hurt from being stuck on the bed. Riddler, or Edward as Bruce calls him now, has been working. Filming a video, mapping out some cityscape, building something, and writing. Lots and lots of writing.

Edward stood up from his office chair and made his way over to Bruce. He sat down on the bed next to him, walking his fingers up his arm to his shoulder. Bruce tensed up at the unwanted touch.

"You're not at gunpoint, relaaax."

Bruce muttered under his breath, "Easy for you to say.."

Edward yanked Bruce's shoulder, ushering him to face him. "I have a proposition for you Bruce. You stay with me, and I'll stop terrorizing gotham, ORRRRR you could leave. But I will keep killing and will kill anyone close to you. Soooooo what are ya going to chose."

Bruce tried to turn around and ignore the choices, but Edward's grip was strong. He sighed heavily, he though long and hard.

If he stayed here, gotham wouldn't be tormented by another despicable person, but there is always another villain. If he left... He wanted to leave but he couldn't risk the lives of those close to him. Alfred, the commissioner, he just couldn't.

"Let me sleep on it."

"Very well."

Edward let go of his shoulder and Bruce turned to face the wall again. He though the eddy would move, but he stayed put.

"Are you gonna move or-"

"Welllll this IS my bed. Technically you're in my space. I can be here."

Bruce groaned, not wanting to be anywhere near this guy. He scooted as close as he could to the wall. He could feel the mattress slowly sink in as Edward scooted closer to Bruce until he could feel his breathing on his neck.

He got goosebumps, he never, never in a million years, would have guessed that he would get this close to the riddler, let alone sleep with him.

Eddy snuck a hand around Bruce's waist, pulling him closer. "No-"

"You're in my territory. I can do what I want. I'm not gonna hurt you, relaaaax bats."

Bruce eventually relaxed in his touch, not wanting to be tense the whole night. He wasn't planning on sleeping. He didn't want another night terror.

He just lay there, he felt Edward's every breath, he felt every little twitch, he felt every little touch. His skin burned.

Bruce wondered how alfred was, if the world needed the Batman.

Right now, the Batman was in a bit of a pickle.

(925 words)

Unmasked [Riddler x Batman]Where stories live. Discover now