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It was just another day in the Henderson household. Dustin was talking with Will, Mike, and Lucas planning their next D&D campaign while his twin older sisters were half paying attention. Their mom was at work so they were stuck babysitting. It wasn't their least favorite thing to do since they loved their little brother while yes he and his friend were slightly annoying they all enjoyed the game.

Kenzie was messing around like normal and Dustin kept having to redirect her to the task at hand. JJ was over it at this point she was tired and Dustin just wouldn't shut up.

"Okay yall are to damn loud you need to either need to shut up or find something else to do." JJ said annoyed

"What crawled up her ass?" Lucas whispered to Mike

"I really hope you know you arent fucking quiet." She replied with a glare.

"Dustin get your friends under control! JJ be nice their just just kids." Kenz said just trying to bring peace to the chaotic table.

"This is me being nice Kenz you know that." She said rolling her eyes

With that JJ stormed off to her room just wanting to be any place else.

JJ is short for Jacklin or Jackie as he mom calls her. She is the eldest Henderson sibling born only five minutes before Kenzie. She is 5'8" and a little on the chubby side. She has medium length hair as that's as short as their mom will allow her to cut it. Her hair is black and green with longer bangs. She has piercing green eyes. An outcast most of her life she has been roped in with the freaks since middle school. Eddie Munson is her best friend and has always had her back.

Kenzie or Kenz as a lot of people call her is the second oldest child only 5 minutes younger than her twin sister. She's 5'2.5" and more on the lean side. She has medium length hair that's light brown. She has green eyes. She likes to follow in the steps of her sister and even though they are the same age she still acts younger then JJ. Her best friend is Gareth. She's an outcast much like her sister and younger brother she looks up to a lot of people in their friend group. She gets distracted easily and is bullied a lot for bad grades and the group she hangs out with. If it wasn't for JJ she probably wouldn't be here. She suffers from a lot of mental health problems and JJ, Dustin and Gareth help her with a lot of it.

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