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A new day has risen, and the sun's rays gently stroked against my skin, telling me how glorious the morning was today. Or just the fact that I'm in a good mood because of what happened yesterday.

I can't believe that happened between us. It was like a spark had been ignited after so many years. If Venti had not shown up, would we kiss from that moment on? I want to press my lips against him and see how he reacts to that.

Just how long do I have to patiently wait for him to fall in love with me? I want him to do romantic things for me now.

"Aether!" It immediately made me look back when someone spoke my name, and my eyes saw Xiao running towards me with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

He had the sweetest smile on his face and passed me the bouquet. It made my heart flutter, and my inner self wanted to scream in joy.

"Xiao, what are these for?" He didn't respond and tucked a streak of my hair behind my ears before he kneeled down on his knees.

He caressed my hand and pulled out a small black box. "Aether, will you marry me?"

I gasped and was too stunned by what had happened. Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I was beyond happy when he asked me to marry him.

I immediately nodded my head and said, "Yes! I will marry you."

His smile grew wider, and he put the ring on my finger. He pulled me into a hug, and we shared a passionate kiss together. Moments like this should be cherished forever.

"Bro, what are you doing?" Lumine popped out of nowhere, giving me the creepy look, and it became clear to me that I'm being delusional again.

It even took me a few minutes to realize that I was hugging a random tree, and my face immediately got flustered because people were looking at me.

"I want to save this tree from loneliness." Kill me. I want to die and bury myself in a pit of shame.

She sighed and said, "Why did the archons give me a crazy twin brother?"


She chuckled and flicked my forehead. "Idiot. A piece of advice: don't daydream in front of your man."

My cheeks blushed. How did she know? Is my reaction that obvious? She knows about what happened yesterday because I told her, and we did promise that we shouldn't keep secrets from each other. She was happy about my progress and wished me luck.

We arrived at the university, and excitement rushed through my body when the idea of seeing him crossed my mind.

"I'll go ahead because I have a biology exam with Miss Kujou." Bummer. Miss Kujou is the kind of teacher who is strict, terrifying, and does not show any mercy to students.

In fact, her exams are difficult to answer, and she is willing to give a failing grade to students who miss one lecture in biology without a valid reason.

"What are you waiting for? Christmas? Run your ass up to your class now!" I said.

She smiled and said, "Catch you later, okay? And don't you dare come home late without telling me, or you'll have no choice but to sleep in the street."

I rolled my eyes and answered sarcastically, "Okay, mom."

"Enjoy your day with the lover boy." She winked before she vanished from my sight. I smiled and waved goodbye to her.

I decided to head towards my classroom, and as I passed the hallways, someone suddenly hugged me from behind and greeted me, "Good morning!"

"Jeez, don't scare me like that."

He smirked. "Were you expecting someone else?"

I twitched my eyebrows and remained silent. He laughed and asked, "Want to head the class together?"

"Do you have to ask that?"

He sighed in relief. "Phew! I was worried that you were still mad about what happened yesterday. Did the almond tofu treatment completely heal you?"

Venti treated me to some almond tofu at Wanmin Restaurant yesterday as a form of reconciliation and also introduced me to his friend, who happens to be the chef and owner of the restaurant.

I am not the type of person to do promotions, but I have to recommend the restaurant to you because their food was incredibly delicious.

"Yes and no. I already told you that it's cool and that you didn't have to treat me, but since you insisted, it made me feel better, so thanks," I replied.

"I never felt so honored to hear such wise words that it made my heart cringe in pain," he said sarcastically, which made me punch his shoulder lightly.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐄𝐑 | xɪᴀᴏ x ᴀᴇᴛʜᴇʀ (On Revision)Where stories live. Discover now