II. Teen Drama

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The Vampire Diaries:
Season 4, Episode 5
The Killer!



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Madelyne followed Hayley towards the doorway that led to a room where Tyler was having a serious conversation with another hybrid, Dean.

A pretty, blonde girl suddenly walked into their line of vision. They stayed silent as the blonde watched Dean walk off, Tyler following after him and scolding him about how obeying Klaus' orders was a bad idea.

She turned her head to face the two girls, "Uh, who are you two?"

"Who the hell are you?" Hayley asked, not sounding as sweet as the blonde did.

"Caroline," she replied. The sweet tone she previously used had disappeared.

"Ohh, you're Tyler's girl. He told me about you. I'm Hayley."

"Madelyne," the redhead smiled half-heartedly.

"Well, Hayley, Madelyne, that's pretty crazy because I haven't heard a thing about you. Either of you."

"We've just been staying here for a few days," Madelyne said, trying to diffuse the blatant tension.

"Excuse me?"

That just seemed to annoy the blonde more.

"We needed a place to crash, Ty's a buddy, he was kind enough to offer," Hayley told Caroline.

Caroline walked towards Hayley with an agitated look, "I know all of Ty's buddies and I haven't heard about you. So, how about we cut the crap?"

This was the part where Madelyne had to step in before Hayley said something to make the situation worse.

"Okay. Look, Caroline, is it? We don't do teen drama. So, kindly, take it up with Tyler. Excuse us," Madelyne grabbed hold of Hayley's arm and dragged her after Tyler.

They walked into the room with the two boys.

"Dean, you don't need to do this."

"Stay out of this, Hayley. I'm going," he shot back.

"Just listen to her, man. It's suicide," Tyler tried.

Caroline entered the room.

"Klaus told you to take Connor on by yourself and you can't even fight back? You have to use non-lethal force. What the hell is that?" He continued to argue.

"Klaus gave me a direct order!" Dean stubbornly replied.

"It's too dangerous. That maniac already killed Nate," Hayley spoke.

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