VI. Constant Deception

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The Vampire Diaries:
Season 4, Episode 9
O Come, All Ye Faithful



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Madelyne lazily followed Hayley into the Old Lockwood Cellar, the brunette walking with a spring in her step. Hayley interrupted a conversation between Tyler, Kim and Adrian that Madelyne couldn't be bothered to pay attention to.

"Never say never and never say I don't pull through. I finally convinced my favourite witch to help save your lives!" Hayley announced, looking over at Madelyne with a huge smile.

Madelyne sighed, softly.

"Are you serious?" Adrian asked, looking at the redhead.

"Why would you help?" Kim asked, warily.

Madelyne attempted a smile, "Because... why not? The quicker we get this done, the less time I have to spend with you all. It's a win-win situation. Also, just a heads up, I'm not the most powerful witch so don't be expecting the most but I do know a trick or two so, I will try my very best to help."

Hayley continued to smile. Tyler looked from Madelyne to Hayley and back to Adrian.

He spoke up, "We promised you guys we'd free you from Klaus. You did your part by breaking your sire bond, now Hayley, Maddy and I are gonna do ours."


So, to summarise things, Hayley lied to Tyler and the hybrids by saying that Madelyne would use magic to body jump Klaus into Tyler's body long enough for the hybrids to get far away so that they could hide from Klaus. But, Madelyne had no idea how to do that as she was never taught magic and so, she doesn't know any serious or complex spells like that. They didn't know that, though.

That was their plan.

Hayley and Madelyne's plan, however, was to break the hybrids of their sirebond so that Klaus could kill them as a sacrificial ritual (unbeknownst to him) for Shane who blackmailed Hayley into doing this in exchange for information about her parentage.

That never worked out well for Hayley, seeing as her parents were dead.

Now, Madelyne had to tell Klaus about 'Tyler's plan' and how the hybrids are free and to get him to kill them. But, she had to wait for Hayley to text her when to tell him. That was taking longer than expected since Caroline disapproved of 'Tyler's plan' and suggested throwing Klaus' body at Rebekah who is the Original hybrid's sister.

This had become a problem for Hayley who wasn't sure how to explain that Madelyne, their witch, didn't know much about magic and was therefore incapable of doing the spell and was practically useless. Hayley now had to stall long enough and so, she did.

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