Chapter one, the school thing

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It's March 3rd 1986 and you are laying in bed just thinking about life when suddenly you hear your mom yell "Y/N HURRY UP YOU ARE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL" "she's always yelling at me"you think."COMING MOM!"you run down the stairs just thinking about how awful your day will probably be. You grab your bag and run out the door while saying bye to your parents.

The walk to school usually isn't that bad because I guess you need exercise after all?

As soon as you walk into school you  walk into your first class, English. You were always more of a math person but you were okay with English too. You decided to sit next to Max today, sometimes you'll pass notes when your bored. As soon as you grab a seat your teacher walks in. She yells at everyone to be quiet and you start class. Today you had to write a short story over any topic, you decide to do yours about your week. After working on your assignment for a while you finally hear your teacher dismiss the class right after the bell rang.

You did a few of your other classes but decided to skip one,  science. You hate science, it's the only class you fail. It's like it has a curse or something. You take a walk around town until it's time for lunch at school and you decide to go to family video to say hi to Steve and Robin. You open the door and yell out « hey hey it's your favourite person! »Robin laughs « hey what are you doing here? »she says « I skipped science and decided to come here and check out the store » « oh ok cool » « »Steve
says while fixing his hair in the reflection of a window. « Don't mind him, his hair always has to be perfect for the ladies »Robin says. You giggle. « Shut up Robin! »he  says while still fixing his hair in the reflection of that same window. You and Robin stare at each other in silence for a minute and than burst out laughing, you all talk for a while when finally it's time to go back to school. Your least favourite place. You leave family video and yell « bye! »while waking out the door.

As soon as you get back to school you see Dustin and Mike waving at you to come sit with them, "they are sitting with that Eddie guy again"you think to yourself. You slowly walk over to the table and grab a seat while they just rant about dnd, you never really understood that game but always said you did so you would fit in. An awkward silence starts until finally Dustin asks"so y/n how was your morning?" "Not too bad I guess" you respond. After a silent pause you watch as Eddie stands up on the cafeteria table and yells at the popular jocks,everyone at the table laughs. "YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH ME FREAK?" Jason yells to Eddie. Eddie sits back down and laughs. You are surprised to hear yourself let out a giggle, *THE BELL RINGS SIGNALLING LUNCH IS OVER* everyone sighs , "see you later"they say to you. "Yeah, totally"you say as you grab your bags and walk out the door.

You started to feel a little sick so you ran to the bathroom. you went in the last stall just like you have done since 3rd grade and you started to throw up , you didn't understand why since you were feeling fine before. After sitting there for a while feeling terrible it happened again and you hunched yourself over the toilet. « I don't understand what's going on »you think to yourself. After it was finally over you talked to the school nurse and you were sent home. As soon as you got in your moms car she asked « are you ok sweetie?what happened I thought you looked fine this morning? » « I don't know what happened mom, I was feeling okay all day and then I just suddenly started feeling sick » you tell your mom. « Okay well we are almost home so let's just get you upstairs and you can get some rest, ok? » she says « okay »you respond.

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