Why has Jimmy Kimmel become so unpopular he's been "uninvited" to Magic Johnson's Hollywood Yacht Parties ???
Could one reason be his loss to Ted Cruz in basketball or was it his failure to demand a rematch? Are there any number of other reasons that spell TROUBLE for Kimmel; what could they be ???
Could the nickname "CHICKEN KIMMEL!" (for his comedy club!) be a plaguing factor in his flagging social schedule and should anyone get a football bowl game named after them if part of their nickname is Chicken?
Could the sky really be falling after all, for Jimmy ???
Finally, will the Golden State Warriors fulfill yet another failed Barkley prediction or will Chuck be singing, "Told yah!" as the Celtics rally to extend the finals to a best of seven ???
#HouseCatAsks #CharlesBarkley #ShaquilleO'Neal #RogerGoodell #TomBrady #JimmyKimmel #MattDamon
Literatura FaktuThis is the non fiction hashtag forum where the U.S. House Cat aka, #HouseCatAsks asks SPORTS QUESTIONS.