part 2

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Recap:" y/n says"yay" douma says "there's a town near here we can go there~" y/n says " Let's go! " Random weak demon slayer goes for your head but there sword broke so you kill them quickly

Then you act like nothing happened skipping along Douma stares in amazement "woah y/n you did that so effortlessly." Akaza says"yea for once I agree with the idiot" y/n thanks them and says "upper 2 where is the village" douma says "you can call me douma and just follow me~" you say"ok" and then grab akaza's wrist and drag him akaza looks up at you for a second and blushes a light pink and then starts to walk along your side douma happily says "we're here~"
    you let go of akaza and go look around the village and find a man sitting down the you walk over to the man and say "hello dear where is the closest kimono shop" the man says"take a left right there and then go straight till you find it cutie" you then get closer to him and act like you were going to kiss him but the you bit him and he screamed"AHHHH!!!" You ask akaza "want some" and offer a arm but he shakes his head and you continue to eat the man's arm
   After you all got your fill

   Douma says "let's go back~" and you all walk back to the castle
   245 words

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