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(my chicken is so cool 😎)

Tord woke up to a loud buzzing from his phone, he got up quitely not wanting to wake Tom up as he was still a sleep.
Tord looked at Tom for a long while feeling his face heat up until the phone buzzing seemed to get louder? He grabbed his phone and saw someone was calling him, he looked who it was and his blood ran cold.

He accepted the call and put it up to his ear trembling a bit as he did so.

"Tord.." a male on the other side of the phone said. "Y-yes?" He asked in a quiet voice he felt his throat burn, he stood up and walked out of the room as his 'father' started to talk.

"Ive gotten two calls from your new school" his father said in his thick Norwegian accent. "They said you hurt someone" He added on. Tord felt his throat close up as he didn't know how to respond " I didn't mean to.." he mumbled trying to ignore the burning pain so he didn't stutter infront of his 'dad'

"Well there wanting ME to come up there and talk with them" he said quite annoyed, i felt my hand start to shake as he said this.

"C-cant Paul O-or Pat come?" I asked stuttering as i felt a metallic taste in my mouth.
"Thats what i asked but they said they wanted me, i doubt they even know i am.." he said the last part in a quiet tone "i-im Sorry " i said as i felt tears start to form in my eyes "I'll be there in a week" he said before he hung up the phone.

I took the phone away from my ear as blood started to drip from my mouth "what.."

I walked back into my room were Tom was still sleeping Blood still dripping down my chin as i set my phone down then went to the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror watching the blood drip out of my mouth, I turned the sink on and cupped my hands underneath it to catch the water I brought the water up to my face and splashed it on my face before doing it again but putting the water in my mouth this time before spitting out water mixed with blood.

I could still feel the burning feeling in my throat as I walk out of the bathroom grabbed my phone and walked back out and then down the stairs.

I sat in the living room processing everything that had just happened.

'My father is coming here? In a week!'

I hadn't seen my father in years and now all of the sudden hes just gonna come here?

I Held my knees up to my chest, i felt warm tears start to form in my eyes and soon they started to fall down my cheeks, i brought up a hand to wipe them away.

As I did so I heard footsteps and i rubbed my eyes so it didn't look like I was just crying, i turned around and saw Tom he was rubbing his eyes before he stretched, he saw me and smiled as he walked over and sat down next to me.

I gave him a small wave with my hand "Hi Tord!" He said as he waved back smiling, "Thanks for letting me crash here" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck I nodded and gave him a thumbs up. "Uhh are you hungry?" He asked and I thought for a moment before shakeing my head no, he smiled "oh well i was but i don't want to eat if your not going to" He said with a nervous laugh.
I looked at him, he looked back "yes?" He asked and i pointed at the kitchen. He looked over and shook his head "ill be fine dont worry" he said And i just rolled my eyes, i wasn't in the mood to try and talk with him so i just sat there and watched the Tv.

A little while later i had leaned my head on Toms shoulder i was feeling tired... I soon drifted off to sleep on Toms shoulder...


So sorry this took so long to get out! I think im getting back into the Eddsworld fandom tho 👀 im working on another better story so if you wanna check that out its called
"Ew insane asylum AU" :> so please check it out im pretty proud of it rn!

But ill try and make these chapters Longer!! So sorry they are so short rn :( but i hope you liked it <3

silent but deadly...(Tordtom/Tomtord)Where stories live. Discover now