Love Is Blooming

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After karan hold her hand priya looked back narrowing her eyes

Priya : What is this now ?

Karan : Dont your heart flutteres when i am arround

Priya furrowed her eyebrows and then smiled sarcastically

What am i a teenage girl or something ? Who is discovering love for the first time,are you drunk mr ?

Karan : Have you ever been in love before ?

Priya got furious when he said that

Priya : Thats enough whats got into you today stop asking this stupid questions

Karan : Agh I don't think a person like you have ever fallen in love

Priya : Now you are running your mouth too much you don't even know about me how can make such comments

Karan : I want to know about you but you wouldn't allow me would you ?

Priya : Why are you behaving so strange lately

Karan : Whats make you so infuriated when i am arround

Priya : I never thought of it

Karan : But lately I started thinking about you

And priya looked into his eyes and their eyes locked for a moment

Priya broke the trance and looked away

I don't get you whats your point ?

Before Karan could say any further it started raining so Priya tried to escape but Karan firmed his grip so she couldn't

Priya : Let me go leave my hand right now I am drenching

Karan : Let's stay here and feel it I bet it will comfort you

Priya : Are you insane Let's go inside or else we will catch fever soon

Priya dragged him but he stood still

Karan : Close your eyes

Priya gave a confuse look

What why do I have to do it now ?

Then Karan placed his palm on her eyes

Come on close your eyes

After priya closed her eyes Karan took her left hand and held that in front

Then he whispered into her ears

Can you feel it the cool gentle droplets of rain touched your skin isn't it soothing

Priya slightly trembled at his whisper but she felt something special so minimize her quvering she breathed in and out and slowly opened her eyes so Karan came infront of her

Priya : Shouldn't we just go home now ?

She said in a low voice it was nothing but a murmur

Karan chuckled

Don't wanna stay here a little longer

Priya's couldn't say a word and went back to sit

Karan came next to her

I know it's hard to make you belive but I feel something new about you nowadays

Priya looked at Karan curiously

Priya : Why ?

Karan : I really don't know Let's just not avoid this anymore I wanna say something

Priya got a little nervous when Karan leaned close to her then he forwarded his hand and tucked her hair strands behind her ear as those were blocking her face

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