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Katsuki POV
We just stared, a long, silent, stare. No one moved, no one even flinched, it felt like if you did something at that exact moment it would end. But of course, one of us had to look away, no one could maintain eye contact for that long. Who'd be dumb enough to strain their eyes for a little game?, but at the same time it wasn't a game. It felt like as every second went by you could learn so much about that person by just looking in their eyes. And that's exactly what was going on.

I took the initiative to break the stare since my eyes were starting to hurt and then I noticed that Todoroki looked like he hadn't slept in days and I guess I did too. I smiled a small smile and gestured them to come inside incase it gets cold. I desperately wanted to talk to Todoroki in private so I sent Kaito upstairs to my parents room where they were waiting for Kaito to come watch a movie with them. Ofcourse my parents didn't know that Todoroki was here so I had to make sure Kaito wouldn't snitch on his dad. The plan went well and I successfully sneaked Todoroki into my room. It was dark inside since the lights were off and the curtains were closed. It felt like something was going to happen as soon as Todoroki locked the door but I knew he was doing it so no one could come in and the walls were soundproof which made it fine to talk normally. We sat down on the bed on opposite sides not knowing what to say. The air was tense. I didn't know what to do and I'm sure Todoroki didn't know either.

"I'm sorry...for everything....you probably don't want to see me and hate me right now but....
I want to see you...." Todoroki whispered under his breath. As soon as I heard that I smiled a bit and turned to look his way. To my surprise he was looking at me aswell, we stared at each other with a sorrowful but loving gaze. Todoroki shuffled to my side of the bed a bit and I shuffled a little closer to him. Before we knew it we were touching shoulders and our hands were slightly touching each other. I blushed to the sudden nostalgic feeling of the old days where we would secretly be affectionate in school and it made me feel a bit blissful.

Our fingers were now intertwined and Todoroki suddenly placed me on his lap. He looked at me with desperate eyes full of tears, it's like I could feel his regret and guilt flowing into me. I knew that it was going to be hard for me to trust him again but as ashamed as I am to admit it I do forgive him. He looked at me and started to cry, he let out a deep sigh and with a coarse and broken voice he whimpered "I'm sorry....I'm so sorry.....i don't know what happened it felt like i wasn't in control..... i-i couldn't control it!,i couldn't control myself Katsuki...! it-it was so scary...I'm so sorry I never meant to hurt you or Kaito...I'm sorry Katsuki......I feel like shit.....I don't even think it's safe for you two to be around me anymore......!" "shhh, it's ok, it's ok Shoto...." I said stroking his hair as he sobbed in my neck "It's common in dominant Alphas to have anger outbursts when they feel an intense amount of anger and irritation or sometimes even intense heartbreak, so don't be sad.....since I already forgave you....."

"I-I know that you probably don't trust me anymore Katsuki......but I promise that I'll make it up to you.....I really do love you..,.." He sobbed in my ears while hugging me. I blushed and gave him a little peck on the cheek. "Is that it?" He said with a little smirk.
I pinched his cheeks and said "Don't get to full of yourself! And anyways you need to help me get rid of those reporters outside, and we have to go to an interview on the news and give those people want they want so they can leave us alone and we might have to break it out to Kaito that were heroes. And then he'll be exposed to the WORLD!."
"Slow down Katsuki! I'm sure Kaito would be happy to head that his parents are heroes and....about that mark on your neck..." "oh...I forgot about that..." "....sorry..." "Don't cry again.....pls don't cry! it's fine! I'm fine! look me in my eyes Shoto....I'm fine :)" I said now pulling his cheeks.

Todoroki POV
"Owwww ok, ok, I'll stop now haha :)" I laughed out in pain. Katsuki was smiling and so was I. It felt like our life was now complete as soon as we were back with each other again. I was so happy :) <3
Thank you for reading sorry if this chapter went fast.
See you next chapter <3

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