Sweet But Simple

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Fluff: 1,600 words

(In the fanfic, phones exist like they do currently.)

"Just tell him!" James groaned, falling back onto his bed, hands in his hair in frustration.

"It's not that simple." Sirius replies from across the room, still observing the note Lily had passed him in class.

'Remus likes you, idiot. Just confess.'

She'd given the note to him in Charms a week ago, which surprised the raven-haired boy, considering Lily didn't do or say anything in class other than pay attention, answer questions, and write notes.

"Why is it 'not that simple'? You already know he likes you!" James said back sitting up slightly to rest his head on the pillow that was lying on the bedpost.

"I can't find a moment alone with him. We're always with other friends and there are other professors in the halls-" Sirius started.

"You have two classes with him alone! You walk to your next classes with him. Alone." James responded slowly, as if he was talking to a 5 year old and not a 16 year old boy.

"Okay, fine. I'll do it tomorrow." Sirius said, trying to convince himself more than James.

Sirius said this to James every night for the next week. He never told Remus. Until one Wednesday, all their classes were finished, and Sirius and Remus were walking to the library so Remus could return a book. Remus usually stayed for a bit so Sirius would just drop him off and be on his way to the dormitories or the kitchens to bring the rest of the marauders a quick snack before dinner.

The conversation between the two boys had ceased into a short silence before Sirius stopped them both, turning to look at the honey-haired boy. Remus paused smiling slightly.

"You okay?" Remus asked, chuckling slightly.

"Um... yea. I'm fine." Sirius replied, flushed. Remus gave him slightly confused face as he continued walked.

"Hey Remus?" Sirius questioned, finally gathering up the courage to start talking.

"Yeah?" Remus replied, still looking forward.

"I really like this guy but I have no idea how to tell him." Sirius muttered quietly, but still audible.

"Okay..." Remus said, shifting his bag on his shoulder.

"Got any tips Moony?" Sirius asked, an awkward smile plastered on his face.

"I don't know, just go up to him and say, 'i like you'?" Remus answered unenthusiastically.

"Okay." Sirius stopped walking, took a short breath and walked up to Remus. "Hey Remus. I like you."

Remus stopped in his steps, his eyes wide and his hand clutching his bag's strap. After a few seconds he turned to Sirius who was smiling slightly at his reaction.

"I like you too." Remus replied, smiling.

"Okay, be my boyfriend? Please?" Sirius said, catching himself. Remus laughed at his correction and nodded.

"Okay then. I'll see you later." Sirius said, waving his hand as Remus opened the door to the library, waving back.

Sirius turned his back and let out a sigh of relief, smiling brightly and he walked back to the dormitories.


It had been about 2 months since Sirius and Remus confessed to each other and nothing had really happened in the form of PDA, other than holding hands once in a while, hugs from behind, or laying their heads on each other's shoulders.

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