Y3 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ A new beginning

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Welcome to Y/N Malfoy and the Prisoner of Azkaban!!!

Welcome to Y/N Malfoy and the Prisoner of Azkaban!!!

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"Aw...did your friends ditch you too?"


2 years later...

Many changes happened in Y/N's home after she got sorted into Gryffindor.

Her parents became way more stricter than they were. Specifically Lucius Malfoy.

He became a little abusive and it was very obvious he favorited Draco.

Y/N always looked forward going back to Hogwarts. Mostly because she had started to gain feelings for her best friend, Harry Potter.

She had liked him since their second year but she knew she could never say anything as she doubted he felt the same way.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵

"Your always so bloody slow!" Lucius yelled grabbing Y/N's sweater and pulling her

"Let go of me!" Y/N yelled a little to loudly

Many people had started to stare at the two.

"Just get out of my sight." Lucius said letting go of Y/N and turning away

Y/N didn't hesitate to run towards the train.

She struggled to find the compartment that her 3 best friends were in.

"Hermione, where are you?

Before she could walk any further she bumped a group of Slytherins.

"Move out of the way!" Y/N yelled

"Aw your friends ditch you?" Malfoy snarled

"Aw...did your friends ditch you too?" Y/N smirked

"N-no they are." Draco turned around and to his surprise his friends were no longer behind him

"Y/N, We are over here." Hermione yelled

"Sorry Draco I've got to go. Oh wait..my friends ditched me." She said giving Draco a petty smile

He rolled his eyes and started to look for his friends.

"Oh Y/N! I have missed you so much!" Hermione squealed hugging her best friend

"I have missed you too!" Y/N said while taking a seat and waving to Ron

She looked around the compartment. Hermione and Ron where there but Harry wasn't.

"Er-where is Harry."

"Oh he is with Ginny." Ron said

Ginny? Why would he be with her

"He'll be here soon, don't worry." Hermione said reassuringly. "Now tell me all about your summer" Hermione said turning to face Y/N

"Oh you know- the typical Malfoy manor summer." Y/N sighed. "Draco gets these fancy party's and new things meanwhile I spend the entire summer in my room doing nothing."

Ron gave her sympathetic look

"Well hopefully next summer you can go with me to Italy!" Hermione said excitedly

Y/N faked a smile. She would love to take a trip there but she doubted her family would ever let her even leave the house

Suddenly the compartment door opened and Harry came in

Merlin's beard. He's cute Y/N thought

"Harry!" Y/N squealed giving her best friend a hug (A/N Adrien Agreste get out of here)

"Y/N! Hey there!" Harry said pulling away from their hug. He finally got a good look at her and wow she was beautiful.

Harry took a seat next to Ron and the two started to talk about Harry's aunt situation however, Harry kept glancing over in Y/N's direction as she excitedly talked to Hermione

"He totally fancies you." Hermione whispered to Y/N

The quartet talked about their summers while eating candies from the trolly

Y/N had really missed this. They were all her safe place.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵

Suddenly the train stopped and shook making Y/N fall backwards in her seat and making Harry fall forwards

He fell on top of her and their faces were only inches apart

They were both blushing like mad

"Sorry Y/N." Harry said getting up and grabbing
Y/N's hand to pull her up

"Er- it's alright. She nervously said. "D-do you guys feel suddenly cold

Her three friends shook their heads

The compartment door opened making the four jump and Harry let go of Y/N's hand

They all felt as if all the happiness had been taken

Two dementors flew into the compartment and flew over Y/N and Harry.

Y/N started to fall unconsciously to the ground as the dementor sucked out her soul.

The last thing she heard was Hermione's scream as she watched her best friend pass out.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵

Y/N woke up, moments later and looked around the compartment.

Harry was passed out.

"H-Harry?" A terrified Y/N screamed. "Professor- is he ok?"

"He will be just fine." Remus said handing Y/N a chocolate bar. "Now I am going to have a word with the driver."

Y/N looked at the professor with a confused look.

"Eat, you'll feel better. Give Harry his when he wakes up."

Y/N ate her chocolate bar feeling numb .

Why did she and Harry pass out?

Before she could think any longer, Harry woke up.

"Thank Godric! You're ok!" They both exclaimed at the same time.

They burst into laughter.

"This isn't the time to be laughing." Hermione said sternly. "You just passed out." She said grabbing the chocolate from Y/N's hand and giving it to Harry

"This isn't good, it means something." She said looking out of the icy window.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵

That's the first chapter for 3rd year!!

Please let me know what you think of it! (This chapter hasn't been edited so there may be some mistakes)


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