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As we got back to the villa, I ran into the house not even bothering to wait on Donte. I was fuming with rage. 

Lui e un cretino (he is a dumbass), I yelled mentaly. 

I walked up the stairs to my room slamming the door shut behind me. I strip out of my dress as I walked into my walk in closet. I wasn't there more then an hour before he had me sent home, I shouldn't have even went. I mean what was the point if he was just going to send me home. 

I needed out of here, I know he would not be home till late and I just needed fresh air but first I need to ditch Donte. I got dressed the designer ripped skiny jeans and a black crop top as I slid on my white sneakers. 

I leave my bed room walking down the stairs where I see Donte standing by with front door in. He held a stone cold look as he stood there with his arms crossed and the gun tucked away in his suit jeans showing. I walk up to Donte who gives me a questioning look as I give him a small smile. 

"Donte, ho lasciato la mia borsa in macchina, potresti recuperarla per me (I left my purse in the car, could you retrieve it for me)?" I asked with a small smile. 

He nods before walking outside towards the vehical I was brought home in. I wasted no time in grabbing a pair of random keys from the bowl on the table. I ran to the garage door, walking in, the garage filled with expensive beautiful cars. 

Donte is a dumbass, that was easy enough to get him off my back. I clicked the unlock button to find with car the keys belong to. I see the head lights go off on a sleek blood red Ferrari and I smirk as I run to the car quickly getting in. 

I press the garage button on top of the sunvisor as the garage doors lift up. I see Donte come into view with a pissed off look. I send him a quick wave as I start the car, reving up the engine as I switch gears and pull out quickly from the garage, my tires spinning back wards as I switch gears into 'drive' as I pull out quickly. 

I was sure Enzo would be pissed and that I would be hearing about this later but I didn't exactly care at the moment, I felt trapped here and he does not help the situation. I press down on the gas pedal to the floor as I spin out of our villa home, flying down the road. 

I laugh loudly as I fly down the road almost no cars were out making it easier for me to swerve through. I grip the stearing wheel tightly as I race down the road as I continue to laugh at how much of a rush this was. 

After an hour I made it into town and I swerve into the first parking lot that I see. I cut of the engine as I grab the keys sitting in the console. Curiosity go the best of me as I opened the dash board wanting to see what was in his car. I was greated with two pistols engraved with 'Moretti'. Of course he has guns in his car, I bet all his cars are stocked with some. 

I step out of the car, the cool dark night hair hitting me as soon as I step out. I lock the door behind me tucking the keys away in my back pocket. I didn't have my purse or anything with me seeing as I ran out, I didn't even think about it. 

I start walking, walking until I can relax my head. I hate that this is the life I was destined to live, a life I didn't choose, a life I was forced into. I soon find myself walking in the direction of the La Pelosa in Sardina, the best beech there is, the water clear blue sky color. 

After what felt like an hour of walking I made it to the beach, the sound of the water hitting my ears. It was quiet, no one was even around. I kicked of my shoes leaving them there as I make my way to the water. I stop before I get to the water, right at the edge so I can roll the bottom of my skiny jeans up. 

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