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I walk into the warehouse as I am greeted by my other workers as I pass by. I walk towards my office as I sling open the door to be greeted by Lorenzo and Giovanni, working on some paperwork in the chairs across from my desk. Their heads snap up to me as I walk in greting me with curt nods of their own as I close the door behind me. 

"Dove si trova, Everleigh (where is)?," Antonio raises an eyebrow. 

"She will be her in two hours, she is eating. Antonio and Donte will be escorting her here," I shrug as I walk over to my desk taking a seat in my chair. 

For the past three weeks I have got closer to Everleigh, after she bled out on the floor of Niccolo's home yesterday I had realized there that I had loved her. I have yet to share that with her because love is a weakness, just having a family in my world is a weakness, they could be used as leverage. It was a very foreign feeling to me, something I was honestly scared of to admit on how I felt. 

We like to keep business far away from our family, that is why the warehouse is thirty minutes out incase something like the stunt Romano pulled is far away from our family, we prevent and make sure nothing happens. 

I was still highly pissed of at the fact that Lorenzo brought the Romano's in, we would never have been in the catastrophic mess we are in now if it wasn't for Lorenzo. He knew all about how dirty the Romano's truly are but signed the deal with them for the money, money we made perfectly fine before signing that deal. Lorenzo did this out of his own benefit, no one else but his. 

We stayed silent as we all remaind on work and although I couldn't think straight till Everleigh makes it here, I tried. 

"Enzo, lo ero informato di cio che ha fatto Rosa (I was informed me of what Rosa did)," Lorenzo interrupted the silence. 

I raised a brow as I peer up from the paperwork I was reviewing as did Giovanni. 

"A cosa vuoi arrivare, Lorenzo (what are you getting at)?" Annoyance clear in my tone. 

He shurgged not bothering to look up from his papers, "Non avrei dovuto andare a letto con quella puttana (should not have slept with that whore)," He chuckles dryly as my jaw cleches, "Quella ragazza e sempre stata in bilico (that girl has always been on the loose end). Sai sicuramente come sceglierli, Enzo (you sure know how to pick them)."

I slam my hand down on my desk as I glare at Lorenzo. He is really trying to tick me off but I expect nothing less from him. My blood boiling at his unasked for comments. 

"Vuoi davvero fare della mamma una vedova (do you really want to make mom a widow)?" My voice low in a menacing tone as I glare sharply at him. 

His gaze finally snaps up to me giving me a sharp glare of his own, Giovanni letting out an annoyed sigh as he glares at Lorenzo. 

"Ve avanti e- (go ahead and-)," He starts but I quickly cut him off. 

"It was rhetorical, Lorenzo," I spit out, "Now shut the fuck up, stronzo (asshole), I have no time for your shit today, vecchio uomo (old man)," I snap. 

Lorenzo snarls at me but doesn't reply, turning his attention back to the paperwork in his mouth. Giovanni gives me a smirk before he returns his gaze to his work while I pinch the bridge of my nose in annoyance before I do the same as I get back to reviewing the paperwork that was in my hands. 

After what felt like hours, Lorenzo now gone, leaving just Giovanni and I working. I glance at my watch and my brows furrow as I realize it has been three hours. They should have been here by now, Antonio and Donte would have contacted me if their was a hold up. 

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