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Chapter One

"Tell us about Luxem's fall collection," they asked.

"Luxem's fall collection embodies luxury and seduction, perfect for grand parties. Next week's fashion show by Luxem won't disappoint," CEO Mrs. Kim shared on AMC Talkshow.


Taehyung came home after a draining workday. Spotting his friend Jimin watching yesterday's Luxem AMC Talkshow, Taehyung remarked, "You watched it live yesterday. Why again now?"

"I saw it trending on YouTube," Jimin replied.

"You're doing great," complimented Jimin, his close friend and an international student studying information technology in France.

"Still striving every day. Next week, I'm filming Luxem's fashion show," Taehyung shared.

"Wow, congrats!"

"Thanks, Jimin."

It was late, around eleven, but Taehyung quickly showered, overlooking the health repercussions of late-night baths due to work demands. He slipped into comfortable pajamas and dozed off, unaware of time passing.

Three hours later, at nearly three in the morning, a voice emerged from Taehyung. Perhaps it was another night haunted by thoughts of his mother, hindering his peaceful sleep.

"Mom..." Taehyung softly called out.


The three-year-old boy was hiding behind his room door to secretly listen to his parents' conversation. He was too young to fully understand what his parents were arguing about, but he could feel that after this conversation he wouldn't be able to see his father again. A sad expression appeared clearly on that little face.

"I will go back to France, I will come back and bring you and Taehyung over there as soon as"

"Why do you have to go now, how can you leave me and our son here alone?

"I have to because..."

"For our future? You told me this many times before."

"..." Taehyung's father was silent.

"During the 6 years we've been living together, I've never once dared to step out of this small house, never once have you openly told everyone that we love each other, never once have you dared to say that we're living together, and we never even had a wedding, and when I was pregnant with Taehyung, you weren't the one there with me."

"I'm sorry"

Taehyung's parents loved each other and lived together for a long time, but they never told everyone that they were a couple. All because their family backgrounds are different. Taehyung's father's family is rich family in France, but Taehyung's mother's side is different, they are just a family of rural farmers. The two met at a street festival in Daegu. That year, Taehyung's mother came from a remote countryside to Daegu to study and fell in love with Taehyung's father who came back from France after a big argument with his family.

"You left because of them but after all you still came back there with them, you still chose the so-called vain fame, am I right?"

"I'm sorry..." Taehyung's father still decided to take all his luggage, leave the house and go to the airport. Flight number NH8 to France, departing at noon, left the mother and child. Taehyung hugged his mother and ran to wipe away her tears. The three year old boy could only stare blankly at the door. His father just left without saying goodbye to him. He went so fast that he couldn't ran out and called for dad. He was very sad inside but still very angry at his father for his indifference.

"Taehyung..." His mom said.

Taehyung suddenly burst into tears.

"I'm sorry Taehyung" Mom hugged Taehyung.



"Taehyung!!!!!" Jimin suddenly opened the door and ran in, pulling all of Taehyung's blankets.

"What's going on? I was sleeping and suddenly you screamed in the middle of the night, are you crazy?"

"It seems like I just had sleep paralysis. Suddenly I had trouble breathing while lying down. I heard someone talking in my ear." Jimin panicked and sat on the bed looking at Taehyung.

"I'm sleeping JIMIN!!"

"Can we sleep together?"


"I mean that can I sleep on the floor in your room? I'm still so scared so I can't sleep alone"

"Haiz, go get your pillow and blanket come over here"

"Can you go with me and get them?"

"Haiz, just sit there and I'll come get it"

"No, I'll go over there with you, if you leave me alone here, I'm afraid."

Taehyung was angry at Jimin.


Taehyung glared.

Jimin and Taehyung tiptoed across the hallway to gather pillow and blanket from Jimin's room. After getting them, they came back to Taehyung's room. They could not go back to sleep. Suddenly Jimin asked.

"Your adoptive parents really love you, huh?" Jimin's voice broke the silence, his eyes lingering on the photograph in Taehyung's room.

Taehyung nodded, a mix of gratitude and longing filling his heart. "They've been my rock, a beacon of unwavering support, especially after..."

The words hung in the air, unspoken yet understood. A shared silence enveloped the room, acknowledging the unspoken pain Taehyung carried.

As the night progressed, sleep remained elusive for Taehyung. His mind wandered back to the vivid memories of his past, the anguish of losing his father's presence, and the void left in his young heart.

"Hey, Jimin," Taehyung's voice was hushed, laden with vulnerability.

"Huh?" Jimin whispered back, noticing the tremor in Taehyung's voice.

"Sometimes, in the quietest moments, I hear her voice. My mother's. It's like she's still here, trying to comfort me."

Jimin softened with empathy. "Loss is like that, Taehyung. It echoes in the deepest corners of your heart, reminding you of what you had and what you miss."

The night waned, the room enveloped in a serene quietude as Taehyung's thoughts drifted, seeking solace in the warmth of his friend's presence.


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