Chapter 1

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|| Tommy POV ||

If today was the day for anything, it was a day for spiting family.

Look, if there's anything you should know about my brothers, you would figure it out after a day of being at my place. The answer is, well, they're both pricks. Got all that mind reading twin sh!t and can't shut up about anything.

Wilbur's power comes from the way he uses his words. He says it's all in the Ethos-Pathos-Logos, but I don't know what half those words mean. Maybe if I'd bothered to stay in school longer... eh, Will's just a prick.

Techno's power comes from his core. Bloodlust to discipline, he's the only one who can genuinely scare Tubbo. (Besides me, of course. I'm big and strong and cool.) He's a strange man with a deadly aura. Or at least, that's what Will said once, and I understood most of the words in that sentence.

Techno never leaves the house except for work and missions, since he's the whole peace rectangular- regulator thing and all that. He thinks he's the sh!t. He's not.

The problem with that is I'm left with Wilbur all day. Now my brother isn't the worst thing in the world, but his words are so big. Whatever proposals he's writing up are so goddamn stupid and you need a dictionary to decode it. His songs are alright, but oh my god will he please just shut up.

Anyway, it was Friday evening, so Techno was back, and Wilbur had decided to not stop working before Tech came home and ordered a pizza. His original plan was to cook, but I stopped him before he burned the whole house down.

If it was up to me, we'd always get pizza and chocolates from the candy shop next to Tubbo's house, but nOoOo, Techno says we have to be healthy and eat food and not die and oh my god. He is just so annoying.

Techno spends most of his week training with Philza. Phil is like, the greatest man to ever exist. If it were up to me, all men could die except for Philza. He's kinda old, but he's one of the best fighters in the world. Techno says when I get better at fighting and can control my temper, Philza could teach me, too.

That would be awesome.

Today was kind of boring. Tubbo decided to skip school, and it isn't fun to be in school without Tubbo, my best friend in the whole world, so I skipped with him. Tubbo has an obsession with making bombs that dates back to the Schlatt Era, but that's not important. He has four? Maybe more? I'm not sure. He has a bunch of bunkers around the place that he's labelled with fancy greek letters. They're just A, B, D, and G. It's not that hard to use English.

Anyway, Tubbo apparently messed up something and had to redo the fuse so it was timed right, whatever that meant. I, for one, was not going to skip school just to be bored all day by Boom Boy's science lesson.

"Let's go find out what Wilbur's doing," I decided suddenly. Tubbo looked up, the screwdriver still deep inside the bomb. He looked pretty funny, with his goggles slightly to the side and a black scorch mark on his temple. "What?"

Tubbo smiled slowly. "Yeah. Let me finish this fuse and then we'll go." He buried his head back down into the bomb.

"Aww," I complained. "How long will that take?"

"Two minutes. Shut up and let me finish."

"Can't you finish it later?"

Tubbo looked up. "Sure, Einstein. I'll let the entire bunker blow up, revealing its location and blowing up several other bombs in the local vicinity. Also, if our cover is blown, this thing has a small blast radius but a huge smoke cover."

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