Chapter 25: Reunions All Around

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“Wilt?” Jordan called, making Wilt’s eye shoot open to see him, then asked, “I’m sorry but, are you okay?”

“Jordan?” Wilt asked.

Jordan helped him up as the gang showed up.

“Wilt!” they called as they ran to him, Jamie hugging his neck.

“Wha-Guys! How did you-when did- What are you doing here?” Wilt asked in shock while returning Jamie’s hug.

“We has been so mucho worried about you!” Eduardo started.

“We’ve been following you for days!” Frankie added.

“But you were, like, running all over the place…!” Mac went on.

“But with the help of my Nina…” Eduardo introduced.

Nina was busy putting a traffic ticket on Jordan’s plane.

“Cococo co, co cococo!” Coco said, indicating to the scientists.

Adam and Douglas waved to them.

“We figured out you were looking for your creator and what kind of person your creator might be!” Mac explained.

“And Mac and Jamie were the ones who really figured out who it was!” Frankie added.

“Si! They saw the picture of you on the computer! And that you was going ‘blahlah…,” Eduardo continued as he stuck out his tongue then went on, “when you was playing basketball and—”

“And who else in the world does that?!” Jamie asked.

“Jordan Michaels!” everyone said.

“So then Coco’s nerds found out he was shooting a commercial in Japan so we flew out there! But when we got there, you weren’t there so we were like, ‘Oh no!’ and Jamie found Jordan Michaels and he was all, ‘You mean Wilt’s looking for me?’ and we were all like, ‘Yeah!’ And he was all, ‘But he hates me!’ and we were like ‘No!’ And he was like, ‘Yeah, it’s my fault he got hurt and he ran away and I tried to find him and say I was sorry, but he was gone forever! And I was so sad!’ And we were all like, ‘Awww!’ And he was like, ‘If he’s really looking for me, I bet I know where he went!’ And he put us all on his PRIVATE LEAR JET! And ‘vrooooom, vroom, wrooooom!’ We flew back here as fast as we could on his PRIVATE LEAR JET! And…here we are,” Bloo rambled, even imitating a plane, then whispered to Wilt, “And don’t worry. He doesn’t know about your life of crime.”

This made Wilt a little concerned.

“Maybe we should let Jordan explain the situation,” Jamie suggested, to which everyone nodded.

Wilt then went to Jordan in confusion.

“I don’t understand! Why’d you come to get me? I lost. I let you down,”  Wilt asked, bowing his head sadly.

“Let me down? You saved me!” Jordan said.

As he explained, he relived the moment after the game.

“I didn’t even know until Stats told me. And your arm and your eye? It was all my fault. I looked everywhere for you but you disappeared. If I hadn’t been so obsessed about that game, you never would have gotten hurt and I never would have lost you. But losing you taught me something: Winning isn’t everything. Your friends, the people who you love; that’s the most important. That’s worth sacrificing yourself for. I created you to make me a better ball player. But instead, you made me a better person,” Jordan explained.

Jordan placed a reassuring hand on Wilt’s shoulder as Wilt placed his hand on Jordan’s arm.

“I can’t thank you enough,” he told him.

“There’s no need,” Wilt smiled.

“You’re a hero,” Jordan declared.

“I’m sorry. I’m not,” Wilt politely disagreed.

Jordan just smiled and moved his sleeve to show the wristband that Wilt used to wear on his left arm, making Wilt almost tear up.

“Wilt. You’re the best friend I ever had. You’ve gotta quit saying you’re sorry. It’s not okay. Okay?” Jordan said.

Everyone, including Larry, gathered around to hear Wilt’s answer. Wilt was absolutely touched by Jordan’s words.

“Okay!” Wilt agreed then he and Jordan hugged.

The crowd cheered for them.

“Sorry! Was that okay?” Wilt asked, making Jamie giggle.

“I just love happy reunions,” Larry said with a small sob.

Jamie then went to Wilt and gently took his hand, making him look at her.

“Jordan, can I borrow Wilt for a minute?” she requested.

Jordan smirked and answered, “You are more than welcome to.”

He then stepped to the side as Wilt knelt down to her level.

“Wilt, first thing I need to say is…you had, not only them, but also me worried sick,” she started.

He sighed and explained, trailing off at the end, “I know. And I’m sorry. I just felt I needed to make things right with Jordan after all this time and then when that was taken care of, I would come back and…”

“Make things right with me?” Jamie guessed, to which he nodded, then she caressed his cheek and told him, “There was nothing to make right. I’m sorry I took what you said out of conquest. That was my fault. You having that extra pressure on your shoulders made me feel partly responsible that you left, even though I know you would’ve still left to make things right with Jordan. And as scared as I was about you leaving, I was worried I would never get to tell you or give you the one thing I’ve been dying to give you.”

Wilt looked a bit confused then wondered, “Tell me and give me what?”

She smiled and said, “Well, let me give it to you first.”

She then brought her lips to his, making him shocked and everyone cheer. He then returned it, wrapping his one arm around her. It soon ended and they gazed into each other’s eyes.

Wilt chuckled then said, “I’m relieved. I wanted to give that to you too.”

“Well, then you can hear what I want to tell you,” she replied, took a deep breath, then confessed, “I love you.”

Everyone “awed” at that as Wilt’s eye widened a bit. Then he smiled, hugged and lifted Jamie up, and twirled her around, making her giggle.

“I love you too,” he declared.

Everyone cheered for them as they stopped spinning and kissed again.

“It’s about time!” Mac and Bloo shouted.

They parted and laughed at that. This whole journey made them realize they meant more to each other than they originally thought.



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