Chapter 1

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"Do you want to meet a friend of ours?" Lumine asks. I tilt my head at her. Paimon says, "He's the geo archon." I snap my head to her. I say, "I thought that the Geo Archon died."
"Paimon!" Lumine scolded. Paimon flinches and says, "Whoops." Lumine pinches the bridge of her nose. She then points her whole hand at me. She says, "He faked his death, but that is between the three of us, noone else can know." I nod wondering what would possess the geo archon to fake his own death. Lumine asks, "Do you want to meet Zhongli?" I nod. Is that what he's going by? Paimon asks, "Where would Zhongli even be?"
"Wanmin Restaurant or the funeral parlar, if not those two places, them he could be anywhere in Liyue."
"Let's try the restaurant first," Lumine says making Paimon's eyes sparkle as drool forms on her mouth. Lumine and I sweatdrop. I say, "That's a good idea."
"We'll have to get food, or Paimon will throw a tantrum." I nod in agreement.
We walk in and I nervously look around. Anyone in this room could be the geo archon. Nervousness takes over me. Am I really going to meet the Geo Archon? Paimon's shrill voice makes Lumine and I jump. She says, "There he is!" All eyes were on us. Lumine laughs it off and says, "I'm sorry about my companion, she's just a child." Everyone resumed their meals. Lumine and I glare at Paimon. She says, "Paimon is sorry." We sigh, I say, "What's done is done."
"Where did you see him?" Lumine asks. Paimon flew and we followed. Until Lumine stops without warning. I bump right into her. Lumine says, "Sorry about that Unity."
"It's fine." I say as Paimon says, "Hi Zhongli, we have a friend we'd like you to meet." I peer around Lumine and all I see is dark brown hair that fades into gold. It was pulled into a ponytail. He stands up and turns around. I immediately freeze in place, gray eyes wide. He greets Lumine and Paimon before his eyes meet mine. Those golden eyes is what got me. This is the geo archon. His voice is what officially sealed it. He said, "It's a pleasure to meet you Unity." Lumine must've told him my name. I try to form a word, shake the hand he held out. But it was as if I was shot with one of cupid's arrows. Zhongli asks, "Is she okay, did I do something wrong?" Paimon looks between the two of us. She gasps and says, "This must be what they call love at first sight." Lumine's jaw drops as my face turns into a tomato. That was how it started.

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