becoming friends

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You two become attached to the hip after the final selection, tanjiro could "smell" that you weren't any threat and you were just happy having someone beside you to fight with, it took him a bit of time to tell you about what happened to him and his family but after he did, you empathized with him and decided to accompany him in his journey, which he thought you were crazy for doing, but was extremely grateful anyway, saying you two were attached to the hip wasn't an exaggeration too, you'll do everything together, eat, fight, sleep(separately but in the same room ) and take rolls carrying nezuko on there back which you insisted on doing so the first few days you stayed with him, you got along with his sister quite well actually and gushed about how cute she was when you had the chance, and when you complained about how long the road was, you'll slump down on the ground and he'll have to drag you by your arm.


He was successfully clinging on to you like glue, not letting you go unless you wanted to go to the bathroom, you didn't have the heart to tell him to fuck off the first time he flung himself onto you, the poor boy was about to faint any second, and so you decided to just accompany him in his next mission since you didn't have one, but oh boy was that a huge mistake, now good luck getting rid of him.

Luckily for the both of you, you got used to each other's presence, and zenitsu has died down on asking you to marry him, even tho he'll randomly blurt it out at times, you now take it as a joke, everything was going great, minus the blood screeching screams he'll let out and hurt your ears with from time to time, you'll try to shield him on missions but when you get urself hurt zenitsu will suck up his fear and protect you.

You tried to explain to him many times how he handled a be-headed bunch of demons when he was asleep, but he always took you as delusional and said you were seeing things.


Much like Zenitsu, this guy did not leave you alone the first time you both met, he tried to fight you on many occasions but you always avoided him and ran away, it got to the point where you'll just let him "hang" around you and try your best to ignore him to not cause any more trouble, but it was almost impossible to do so cause he was all up in your face was making everything a competition, from eating to sleeping to "who can hide there head the hardest on a tree without passing out"  which you've never participated in cause"?????"

And let's just say when you first ever saw his face your mouth hang open in disbelief, almost dropping to the floor, making you question his gender and almost coming to the conclusion that he was a buff girl with no developing tits, which he quickly denied by pulling his pants down and revealing his schlong

Luckily you were quick to cover your eyes but that didn't stop you from not being able to look him in the eyes for a while

Other than that, you figured he wasn't that bad, he may be loud and aggressive but he wasn't "mean" even tho he tried to kill you the first time.
You realized that when you got hurt on a mission and he got all grumpy on you, saying "How could you let such a weak thing bring you down!??!?" And then proceeded to take his anger out on the demon.


You were the one following him this time, you were so curious about him, why was he always quiet? Is he sad? Is he too afraid to talk? You would be staring at him from afar while your mind raced with billions of questions, you didn't know how to approach him, and you were too afraid you were gonna bother him, so you hid, at least well-tried to, but you both ended up making eye contact at least three times and the whole time you would just..glare until he turned away.

He didn't know why you were following, at first, he thought you would be like shinobi, always in his face teasing him, but you kept your distance, and he appreciated that.

Sure some people can find that creepy, but he didn't, he just liked the fact that you weren't pestering him like the insect pillar, and didn't bother saying anything until you did.

Now the both of you would just be sitting around chatting, correction: you babbling while he listened.


Since that time you invited and treated rengoku in your parent's restaurant for "some" food, he's been going there ever since, even tho he barely came cause he was too busy with missions thrown at him left and right, you both still managed to get along quite well, you'll be the doing most of the talking because rengoku would already be vacuuming the meals from there plates, humming and commenting on stuff here and there, he tries to talk but you stop him before he ends up choking like the first few times.

After you both got comfortable with each other, which was only a couple of weeks after meeting, you'll be sharing your personal lives in the back kitchen of the restaurant while preparing some more delicious meals, you've been teaching him some recipes as well as some "personal" dishes you liked, and he'll go to his house and practice making them then come back the next day and ask you to "judge" them.

He was a quick learner.


Honestly, nobody knew how it happened, and neither did the both of you, it just kinda did.

Ever since you realized he was a Hashira let alone the 'wind' pillar that everyone was terrified of, you tried to avoid him the best you could, not wanting to face him after cursing him out the first time you both met, you knew the horrible consequences you'll have to conflict for that.

But when does life ever work out for you?

Unfortunately, you had to meet again, and it wasn't by choice either, you were both sent off on the same mission, so guess your surprise when you were standing before the only


Your mind repeated as you stared down at the white-haired dude in front of you, honestly who the hell let this guy be a pillar?

Him tho? He just gave you an evil smirk and said

"Well well well"


"Looks like we meet again?"


And let's just say you went threw hell, luckily he didn't report your behavior towards him that time to the headmaster for some kind of punishment, but he still bickered you on everything you did.



"shut the fuck up"

"If you worked your dumb fucking head a little bit you would've realized that blah blah..."

And honestly? You were tired of it, so you both ended up yelling at one another for whatever reason the half of the journey, praying to whatever god was out there to never cross paths with him again once you both returned.

He on the other hand liked the fact that you had the guts to even raise your voice at him, he wouldn't usually praise others but he could see you had some potential, and that was one of the reasons he didn't mind you around, it was fun having someone give him the same energy

And the rest was history.

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