The Letter

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This is an UNFINISHED book. It will NEVER be finished. As the author, I am working on a different story called "Twig", which I feel is much better plot-wise and all of that. 

Read as you wish, have fun! I'm just telling you, it's old and long. 

A sword, gleaming in the artificial light of the room. Protected behind clear, polished, clean glass. The sword had seen things. It had been held witness to so much that it wished it hadn't been. Year after year, it was forced to watch scene after scene, it hated it. It wanted out of this glass box, but no one was going to let it out. 

Eventually, it wanted to see the scenes. It wanted to watch because it made it so intrigued. It wanted to cause that same harm that he was watching. Eventually, this sword has lost any sort of kindness or empathy. Trapped inside of a sword, trapped inside of this glass box, trapped inside of this mortal plane, he still has a chance to get his revenge. He just needs one thing...his host. Where, why, how, and most importantly, who, will never be answered if he stays trapped. He's going to fix this boy, fix him to be strong, not to be held down by emotion. He's going to get this boy's priorities straight.

One question lingers, still unanswered...just how will this sword be freed from its mortal prison?

-  -  - 

"In such a busy time at the palace, here I am in a horse stable. Isn't that just comedic, eh Calypso?" Scotland talked to his calipcorn as he unsaddled the telepathic horse. Calypso snorted in response as if to say that Scotland does this every year.

 "Yeah, it is quite the recurrence. But this is the only time that being as abnormal as I am really comes in handy," he told the animal as he put the large saddle away. "And sometimes it feels good to not be labeled one of the royal twins; though it doesn't get rid of the other labels," Scotland added as if the mystical beast could do anything to make his life any better. The Scot grabbed a few sugar cubes from the shelf near the area of which the saddle now sat. 

"Like, how crazy is England to actually want to go to this academy?" Scotland asked as he walked back over to where his calipcorn was standing in the stall. Calypso snorted once more after Scotland tossed the cubes up for the animal to catch. 

"Agreed, too bad she wasn't born earlier. Then that would make my life waaay easier," he said as he leaned on the stall door. 

"I don't understand what you dislike so much about being the heir to the throne of the most powerful kingdom in the world," A feminine voice remarked from the large wooden beams up above. 

"Why aren't you out and about preparing for your precious academy?" Scotland asked as he looked up to find his dear twin sister. 

England jumped down from the ceiling, landing right in front of her brother, "Because mail has arrived, your highness," she said in an extra posh accent. 

"Then why do you find it so crucial to bother me with that rubbish, princess," Scotland also switched his accent to the more unnatural way of speaking. 

England held out a certain beige enveloped card with a red wax seal, her stance was in a slight bow, "A very important document has arrived in the post, directed to you, ice queen." Scotland was slightly confused by the title, and more confused by the envelope.

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