Couldn't Get Any Worse

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August 20th, Midday. 

The entire week was horrible. Scotland would find pens and coins missing, his notebooks torn to shreds, himself getting tripped by people, and the quiet slurs didn't stop until he was in his dormitory at night. 

"Are you almost done?" England asked impatiently. 

"Almost," Scotland answered as he continued to copy down the class notes in a new notebook. 

"I'm glad you haven't gotten into any more fights," She said from the floor in front of the coffee table. 

"Same," Scotland agreed as he wrote so quickly that ink dips were needed every 30 seconds. Kaleidoscope chirped happily as England played with the new toy, she bought for him Tuesday. Fireburst watched from inside his cage, they had set it up in the living room so that way Scotland could get used to his presence. 

"How's the lessons with Norway going?" England asked. The week was so unfortunate, the Scot forgot about the extra ability training that he was doing. 

"It's going," Scotland said. He finished scribbling down the last bit of the history notes, his poor pen was so sad looking. 

"Any details that you would share with me?" England wondered in bad grammar. 

"I'm improving," Scotland stated, "What am I supposed to tell you?" 

There was a bit of silence between the two as England thought. "I don't know. But what I do know is that I've got to pick up a friend's pet at 12:45 because she doesn't want to bring it to a training session," England informed him out of the blue. 

"It's 42 right now. You are telling me that a third animal is being put in our dorm, 3 minutes prior?" Scotland asked with annoyance. England has the tendency to not really think about deadlines until the second that it is due to happen. But the quantity of the occurrences doesn't change how irritating they can be. 

"Yep," She answered like it was no big deal. 

"What kind of pet are we talking about here?" Scotland questioned. 

"You'll see," England said with a smile. Scotland glared at her while Kaleidoscope tossed the toy around like a puppy would. England only keeps things a secret from Scotland if she knows he isn't going to like it. 

"Okay. I'm going to go now, I'll be back soon," England announced. She teleported before Scotland could even get a word out. Kaleidoscope dropped the rope toy and stared at the empty space where his owner used to be with horror in his bug eyes. 

Scotland sighed loudly as he closed his sister's notebook. His mind filled with possible creatures; some would be more appreciated than others. But if England was being vague, that means that this pet is a thunderbird or something along those horrible lines. It felt like an eternity of staring at a notebook, flopo horror, and phoenix judgment. 

The silence was filled by England's return. She was holding a bag full of stuff in one hand, and a travel crate in the other. She placed the crate down and Scotland watched skeptically. "It turns out that her other pet-sitter had to cancel, soooo we have two," England told him with a nervous smile. 

She unlocked the crate door, opening it wide, "There's Snippet and Jonathan." A golden-brown mass of fur dashed out of the container, straight towards Scotland. It wrapped its entire body around his left leg before Scotland could react. 

He looked down at the creature immediately; there was a f*cking krimer treating his shin like a tree to hug. The fox-like animal has sharp claws for digging burrows, over 40 sharp teeth, the tendency to coil around objects for safety, and the Scot just happens to be allergic to its fur. 

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