The Warning

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~Bistriz, Hungary 5 A.M.~

I rolled my eyes as her boyfriend asked a local, "cum ajungem la pasul Borgo" (How do we get to the Borgo Pass) in flawless Romanian. 

"You're so impulsive!"I hissed. "We should have stayed in England." 

Her boyfriend laughed, "Scared, Christine?" I glared at him. "This is no laughing matter!" 

Just then, an old lady came up with a crucifix, put it over my neck, and handed my boyfriend, Jonathon, a stake and garlic. 

"Atenție. Nu știi ce pericole se află în castelul Dracula" she warned in Romanian. (Be careful. You do not know what is in Castle Dracula).

"Știi ce este mâine?" she asked. (Do you know what tomorrow is?) 

"La miezul nopții diseară începe ziua Sfântului Gheorghe. Acesta este momentul în care creaturile întunericului se ridică în putere. Ai grijă!" the old crone warned. (At midnight tonight begins St. George's Day. This is when the creatures of darkness rise in power. Beware!).

As the two left Bistriz, they could hear the villagers mutter, "Satana, pericol, vrăjitoare, ingerul mortii, aducător de moarte.

Christine looked up the Romanian phrases: Satan, danger, vampire, Angel of Death, Bringer of Death and shuddered as they made their way to the Borgo Pass.

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