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Hanabi jumped when she saw a flash out the window. She realized how hard it was raining, and heard the thunder rolling in the distance. She immediately thought of Haruhi and left the dining room on a mission.

Running through the halls, she made it to the room they left her in. She let herself into the room without knocking, knowing that Haruhi was probably frozen in fear by now. But she paused in the doorway when the lightning illuminated her sister falling straight into Tamaki's waiting arms.

...she closed the door again, with her on the other side of it. Unsure of how to feel, she stayed in the hallway for a little bit.

Haruhi was having fun. Hanabi knew that. She's making friends, and she's enjoying school, and she knew it was thanks to the Host Club. Maybe...just this once, she'll let Tamaki support her.

Haruhi is terrified of thunderstorms. When the girls were younger, they got caught in a particularly bad one. But as Haruhi shied away from the bright flashes and roaring thunder, Hanabi fell in love with it.

Feeling a little giddy, she ran through the halls until she reached the front door. She peaked behind her, seeing no one, and let herself outside. The wind immediately blew cold drops of wind against her face. She was underneath the safety of the porch but the wind was raging!

Her bones shook as thunder rolled through the skies, and lightning lit up the clouds. She took a small step into the storm, squealing back under the cover in excitement as the lightning flashed even brighter. Just that small step soaked straight through her clothes.

She didn't think about how she'd get back inside with wet clothes, but that was a worry for later. She waited for the storm to travel a bit further away, and stepped back out into the pounding rain.

"Mori-senpai?" Kyoya called out to the taller male that waited outside a certain woman's room.

Mori glanced at him before turning his attention back to the door. He came to give her a t-shirt after shamelessly eavesdropping on the girls conversation earlier, but she hadn't answered yet. He figured out that Haruhi was afraid of thunderstorms after they had walked in on her and Tamaki's strange display, and he was worried that maybe the sisters shared the same fear.

"Mori-senpai?" Kyoya tried again. "She's not in her room."

Knowing that, he carefully opened the door to reveal that it was in fact empty. He set the folded t-shirt on the bed before heading back out into the hall where Kyoya was still waiting.

"She's probably still outside."

Lightning flashed at that exact moment, illuminating the severity of his words. Mori quickly made his way through the house. Throwing the front door open, the sky lit up again.

He paled as he heard her scream.

In laughter.

He could barely hear her over the pounding rain, but there's no doubt that she was laughing. Her arms were spread wide as she spun, kicking through puddles that formed at her feet.

He let out a sigh of relief before going to grab her. Surely it's never a good idea to stay out during a thunderstorm, right?

Hanabi stared into the sky as a flash of lighting far into the distance illuminated the mountains. The storm was almost over, though the rain hadn't let up. Just as she turned to run again, she was lifted off the ground. She turned to see Mori guiding her into the house.

"Ah! Mori-san! Dance with me!" She twisted to get him to let go and dragged him back out into the rain. a host, Mori had an obligation to humor her.

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