Chapter 20

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Bobbie Morse was walking towards Maria hill office and knocked

The moment Maria opened the knew something was off with her messed up hair and attire it was looking good

Bobbi:What happened to you

Maria:I fell

Bobbi:I'm gonna go get ready for recon

Maria:oh*grunt*ok go and be careful

Bobbie:are you ok

Maria:never been better

Bobbi:do you need to something

Maria:Just go please

Maria closed the door

Maria:ok your Evil

Peter was kissing her neck

Maria:ok I'm arresting you

Some where else

Natasha was at Peter apartment

Natasha:wow this is beautiful place could use a little widow

Natasha began dropping some of her clothes


Hearing a knock

Natasha:definitely not peter

Natasha opened and saw Emma

Emma:oh hey is Peter here

Natasha:haven't see him wonder where he is


Natasha:Would be surprised

Emma:mind if I hand out here

At shield

Maria:you know it's very
Sweet of you to help me feel relax

Peter was massaging Maria feet

Maria:you have no idea how great I feel

Peter:I can figure it out


Peter:yea well the girls over there are helping me a lot and it feels great

Maria:aww you know I should come over some time

Peter:if you want too it's

Maria:I already know

Peter:really how

Maria:I'm a shield agent Peter


Peter went home

And saw everyone

Susan and the kids,Emma,black widow and Medusa

Emma:Where were you

Susan:and don't say at a pole dance

Peter:i we'll spend the night somewhere

Black widow:and this placed isn't carpenters place


Black widow:for 2 days

Peter:oh I think I left my phone there

Black widow:ok and what else

Peter:I went to go see Jessica and Gerry

Emma:uh huh

Peter:Jessica just sleeped thought out everything


Peter:and then I went to Maria

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