𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒

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Nagising ako ng mga bandang 6:00am
(I woke up around 6:00am)
And i prepared breakfast for my friends. Nilutoan ko Sila ng sinangag at piritong itlog na may bacon
(I cooked them fried rice and egg's with bacon)
Kasya na siguro sa kanila ito
(I think this is enough for them)
After i prepared the table i put a note
"Eat well. See you!"
After that i took a shower. I didn't even bother to eat. Im in a hurry so i can plan what will happen in the carnival
After im done. I put on my uniform and i woke them up. I just nock the door.
"Luna wake up!"
"Gab wake up!"
"Potaina mo kuro gumising kana!"(you motherf0cker kuro! Wake up!"
I woke them up. I didn't wait for them to leave the room. I just put my keys in the table so they don't have to spend money
Pagkatapos non. Nag abang na ako ng sasakyan ko (after that. I waited for a ride to school)
Minutes later meron na akong nasakyan (minutes later i already found a ride)
And i arrived at the school
"Eto po manong. Salamat po" (here mister. Thank you)"
And i handed him my payment. And he ride off
Pumunta na ako sa student council room at ako palang yung naandito ( i walked to the student council room. And im the only one here)
Kinuha kona yung notebook ko at lapis para makapag simula na (i got my notebook and a pencil so i can start)
I woke up around 7:00am. I just cook korean noddles again. I don't want to eat rice. I was thinking about the carnival. What booth should we make? Uh i don't know. Maybe well make a plan later or tomorrow
After i ate i just cleaned my table and took a shower. After that i drive my car to ateneo
I arrived at my school at 7:48 and my friends aren't here yet. I think i might be a little early
While walking i saw kayla walking with her headphones on.
She turned around
And took off her headphones
"Oh hi klee. Need anything?"
"Where's the other students?"
"Oh i forgot to send you the schedule. I'm sorry. Our class will start at 8:30 every Tuesday"
Ah so that explains it
"Oh okay. But why are you here?"
We walked together
"I'm still planning what can we do to the carnival"
"Ahh ok. What time did you got here?"
And we got to our classroom and we sat down before she can answer my question
"Maybe around 6:30"
"What? That's so early"
"Hehe yup i just want to come to school that early so no one can distract me"
I nodded and someone called her
"Bobo hindi ka nanaman kumain!" (Idi0t you didn't eat again)
I can here kuro screaming. But I didn't understand what he said
"Anong pake mo?!" "Why do you care?!")
"Anong anong pake ko? Unuuna mo nanaman yang ibang tao eh!" (What do you mean why do i care? You're putting other people first again!)
"Hehe minsan lang naman" ( hehe it's not everyday i do it"
"Anong minsan? Eh wala ka na ngang time sa sarili mo! Tapos iniwan mopa yung sasakyan mo!" (What? Not everyday? You don't even have time for your self! And you even left your car here!)
"Para Hindi na kayo gumastos ng pera niyo" (so you don't have to spend your money)
"Ang selfless mo kayla" (you're selfless kayla)
"Oo na bye. Eat well" (yeah yeah. Bye eat well)
I only understand selfless and eat well
"What did he said?"
I asked
"Oh kuro? Hehe he's just scolding me because I did eat and i left my car so they can use it"
She didn't eat?
"Oh okay?"
Know i understand why kuro called her selfless. I didn't realize that students was already coming.
"굿모닝, 클리" (goodmorning klee)
The twins said
"Hoi kayla!" We put our attention to the door. It's kuro
Kayla stood up and walked towards kuro
Kuro then hit her head.and she groan
"Yan desurve mo yan. Selfless mo kasi" (there you deserve that. Because you're selfless)
And gave her the keys. I think it's her car keys
"Apak sakit. Umalis kana nga. Thank you" (it hurt! Just leave! Thank you)
And kuro nodded. Kuro left and kayla walked towards her sit. Kayla always says thank you. She's nice. And out teacher came
"Goodmorning class. Kayla suggested that we don't have any classes for today. So we can plan our booth. And the district agree. So we'll have no classes today and tomorrow. Why? Because the district gave us another additional day to plan everything. So tomorrow you can wear what ever you like. And thank you kayla for that wonderful project of yours. Even the teachers are excited for our booth. I hope your ready because everyone is already in the court"
"Yes ma'am im ready"
Some students clap their hands. So i also did.
"Okay students line up. Kayla you can go now to the court. Goodluck"
Before she leave i whispered good luck
"Thank you"
And she run. And we line up
After we arrived at the court everyone was shock. Because there's alot of chairs waiting for us
The teacher started to talk luckily in English
"Who put all of this chairs?"
"I don't know"
And our teacher came to us
"Class does any of you know who's the first one in the school?"
I raised my hands
"Ma'am i think it's Kayla"
"Ohmygosh. This is alot of work for her. Okay everyone sit down. And if you saw kayla don't forget to say thank you"
"Yes ma'am"
We sat down and waited for kayla to enter the stage
There's a lot of people to be honest
Minutes later she entered. Me viro,nica, luna, gab, kuro and nash sat with each other
"Hello everyone. Allow me to introduce myself to those who don't know me. Hello im Kayla Ezgera. Im the president of the student council. And every month me and vice president nash try to came up with a project to be able to have fun with our classmates and also teacher. Please clap your hands for nash"
We all clap
"Thank you nash and thank you everyone for  your cooperation with our project.So i was planning on doing a small carnival. Every year level and section can have a chance to make their own booth. And also for the teachers. We will have 3 days to enjoy this carnival. And for the last day. We will Heald a singing contest. We will be posting the poster tomorrow. Who ever wants to join. Just write your name and you can be a group or a solo. That's all i planned. Thank you so much for the whole district for agreeing. And thank you guys for coming. Let's have fun!"
And she wave her hands and left the stage. And everyone clap their hands. Her plan was good. Me and friends came back to our classroom
"Everyone please sit down and wait for kayla. She will be your leader. You can make a plan now and me and the teachers will also make a plan. Please listen to kayla and don't be shy to have any suggestions. Thank you"
And our teacher left.
We all arrange our sits and table. We made it a one whole table and we sat to our own chair. We put Kayla's in the front since she's the leader
Not long after kayla came with a tired face. And she's breathing heavily. Is she okay?
When she finally come inside and she realized that everyone is looking at her with a worried face she smiled like she's not even tired.
"What are you doing here guys?"
She asked
"We're here to make a plan"
Nica said
"Well it's already 12pm. It's lunch time. Lets continue this later. Everyone is now in the cafeteria. Line up and don't run and don't push each other"
We line up. We started walking towards the cafeteria while where still lined up.
After we came we saw nash with kuro, luna and gab. There's still space so we sat down
Before we sat down i glanced at kayla who's leaving the cafeteria?
"Where's kayla?"
Kuro asked
"I saw her leaving just now"
"That motherf-"
He was about to stand up whe. Luna stopped him
"Let her kuro"
And kuro sat down again.
"I have a bad feeling for kayla"
Gab said
We're confused
"Hmm while where in the court and she left i can see her breathing heavily"
She said
"I also noticed when she came to our classroom"
I said
"What the hell kayla!"
Kuro now stand up and run gab and luna also run
Nash too. Viron followed and nica
What in the world is happening
I also follow them. Kuro is on the lead running like there's someone trying to kill him
I can see kuro stopped at the clinic?!
He looked worried and got in. Same for luna and gab.
I arrived at where they are and a little window showed kayla with a Oxygen on her nose?
Me and my friends came in and the first thing we heard is kuro scolding kayla
"Are you trying to kill yourself?!"
"The hell kayla. You didn't even eat lunch and breakfast!"
"I'm sorry okay? I just need to do something and i forgot my inhaler. The nurse is getting me a new one"
Kuro come down and the nurse also came in. And handed her the inhaler
"Students lunch is over please go back you your classroom. I'll take care of her"
We nodded and came out
We split up
She has asthma
After we got in the classroom we're about to tell our classmates what happened but me and the twins are shock when kayla came in
What the he is she doing here? Shes supposed to rest
She smiled at our direction. Maybe she's assuring us that she's alright?
"So what's the plan? Let's start with suggestions"
She said
A girl raised her hand
"Yes arri?"
"Maybe we can make a snack booth. This contains bread, chips and drinks. It's all free"
"Good idea. I'll write that. Anyone else?"
Viro raised his hand
"How about a photo booth? I have a camera and we can print all the pictures. We'll also have some cute, weird costumes that we can idy"
"Also a good idea viro. I'll write that"
"Anyone else?"
I raised my hands
"Yes klee?"
"How about we mixed them together?. Who ever want to take a photo we will give one drink and a chips? And they can freely picked what snacks they want?"
"Great idea. Anyone else want to suggest?"
"No one? Okay. Raise your hands if you picked arris idea"
No one raise their hands. Even arri
"Now viros idea"
No one
"Klees idea?"
Everyone raised
"Okay it's settled. Ill make our booth don't worry. You guys help each other for the food, drinks, and costumes and ofcourse ill also help. And viro the camera okay?"
"Okay I'll just ask ma'am if you guys can go home. Ill be back ok? Don't be too loud"
And she left. Im impressed how our class obeyed kayla
Minutes later she came back
"Okay everyone. Clean up your bags and you go home. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodbye and thank you. Safe ride"
"Goodbye and thank you"
They all said and left
"We'll go ahead klee. We'll see you tomorrow. Safe ride"
Viro said
"괜찮아 안녕. 너도" (okay bye. You too"
And the twins left. It's just me and kayla
She's just sketching our booth
"Your not going home yet?"
I asked
"Huh? Oh no im going home now. Let's go?"
I nodded and she picked up her backpack.
"Wait I'll just give this to kuro"
And she get her keys
"Eto ka nanaman. Ikaw na mag drive nan!" (Here you are again. You drive this time)
"Yoko nga" (i dont want)
And pushed the keys into kuros hands and she held my hands and we run
"See you!"
"Papatayin kita! Wag ka tumakbo!" (Ill kill you. Dont run!)
Kuro screamed back
After we got away she stopped and got her inhaler.
"You okay?"
"Yes ofcourse. Don't worry"
She assured me with a smile
We walked to the exit
"I'll stay here and wait for a ride. Thank you"
And she bowed
"Why did you bowed?"
"It's a sign of respect in Korea, right?"
"Yeah. Thank you"
I bowed at her too
I was about to walked away but isn't it dangerous for her?
"Say kayla. I'll send you to your house"
"Huh? No no it's okay klee. I'm okay"
"Nope let's go"
I grabbed her hands and we walked to my car. After we got my car i realized what i did. J grabbed her?!
"Ehh sorry for grabbing you"
I said in a shy voice
"Hehe it's okay"
I started driving. How about ill let her eat in my place? What if she doesn't eat again?
I stopped at my house
"Eat here"
"Huh? What?"
I closed the car door and open the other side
"Really klee. It's okay. I'll just go to my house. Kuro is going to be worried"
"Ill text him"
She signed and she got out of the car and we got inside
"What do you want for dinner?"
"Anything you want ill also eat it"
I nodded
"Sit down"
I pointed at couch
"What's kuros telegram user?"
"Kuro Perer"
I chatted kuro
"Hi kuro it's me klee. Kayla will be eating here for dinner"
"Okay klee. Thank you"
I put my phone down and i started cooking. I cooked some rice and hot Korean noodles and eggs. After i cook it i came to tell Kayla
"Food is ready"
She stood up and we sat down in my kitchen. Since that's where the living room is
"I only have korean noddles. It's kinda spicy"
"Oh its okay"
And we started eating. We talked about school, and our booth
After some time we finished eating
"I'll clean up. You can go to the couch"
"Okay. Thank you"
And she left
I cleaned the table and wash the dishes. After that i came to where kayla is
"You done? Ill go now"
"Yes im done. I'll take you home"
"It's okay klee. You alright did so much for me"
"Nope. Come on"
And i grabbed her hands again
We got in the car and I started driving. She showed me the way to their house. And we got there
She came down. And i roll down my window
"Thank you again, klee"
"No problem. See you tomorrow"
And she waited for me to drive. After i got in my house i locked the door and i got ready to go to sleep.
"I hope you rest well kayla"
After she left i quickly got in our house. Si kuro agad bumungad saakin (the first thing i see is kuro)
"So, gusto mo siya?" (So you like her)
"Oo, gusto ko siya. Pero wala akong balak idate siya" (yes, i like her. But i dont have the intention to date her)
"How about itry mo mag date ng babae? Mahirap pigilan ang nararamdaman kayla" (how about try to date girls? It's hard to stop your feelings for someone)
"Oo alam ko eh.... Straight naman siya eh.. ata.." (yes I Know but.... She's straight... Maybe)
"Ata? Hindi mo sigurado" (maybe? You're not sure)
"Oo na. Dito na ako sa kwarto" (yes yes. I'll go to my room now)
"Okay. Goodnight"
"Walang good sa night kung ikaw Yung nag sabi" (there's no good at the night when you're the one who told me)
"Pero pag si klee nag sab-" (but if klee told yo-)
Bago pa niya matapos sasabihin niya kinuha ko yung unan at ibinato sakanya (before he can finish what he's saying. I got a pillow and throw at him)
And I close the door.
I put my stuff down and i got my sketch for our booth and started it again
"Call me selfless, but I don't want to be selfish"

𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑻𝒘𝒐 𝑩𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒆❁Where stories live. Discover now