𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒

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Im the magna cum laude. Finally college is over.
"And this year's summa cum laude is not here anymore. But we are still proud to announce Kayla Ezgera is the summa cum laude"
Im so happy for her. I thought it was over but the projector turned on. Showing kayla
"Hello everyone. I would want to congratulate everyone who graduate and to does whos moving up! Im very proud of you. If you're wondering where i am? Im at canada. I'm sorry if i didn't say any goodbye im just really tired when i left but don't worry im good now. Congratulations to our future teacher's. I hope next year we can have a reunion. And yes I'll be coming home next year. Because someone is waiting for me. A very good friend of mine who didn't turn his back when everyone left me. Who didn't turn his back when i needed someone the most. Who didn't turn his back when all of them turned their back... I would want to thank you for that person. I know you know who you are. And im very proud of you magna cum laude. That is all what i want to say. Goodbye everyone. Keep going and im very proud of you!"
They all looked at me. Probably know it's me kayla is talking about. I was about to left but luna called me with her friends
"Kuro are you and kayla in a relationship?"
"You head her. A very good friend. I don't have time for plastics right now"
"Really we are the plastic?! Kayla cheated on klee"
Gab screamed
"You can say that right now because you don't know the truth"
And i left
You can say that right now because you don't know the truth"
Kuro left. So we're the wrong one?
I can't understand you kuro
Me and my friends celebrate. And our energy isn't like the same before when kuro and kayla is here
"Okay everyone cheer up"
Love tried
But that didn't change the four expression
"I want to hear them explain. We might be the wrong one "
Nash said
"I agree. We might miss understood"
Nica followed
"What Kayla said earlier it's kuro right? She's right kuro is the only one who didn't turn his back at her"
Gab said
"I think kayla left because of us. At this point i can see all the sacrifices kuro and kayla did for us. Kuro teach us how to speak tagalog. And if it wasn't for kayla we wouldn't have meet"
Nica added. We just stayed silent
In the end we just left and we just continue being friends. Without kuro and kayla... We truly missed them but they don't want to talk to us. Me and viro still continue dating
After 9 months of dating she proposed to me... And i said yes. Our wedding will be held next month. And we're still fixing the invitation.
I was cooking lunch for us then i heard something fel down. I checked klee and saw her laying.
"I-i can't b-breath"
I took her to the hospital immediately. And i called our friends and my twin who came shortly after.
"What happened?"
"She have trouble breathing"
And the doctor came out
"Sir your fiance has a weak heart. She need a new one. If you can find one please come to this hospital. Here's my number. No doner was available for now. You can now visit her"
"Thank you doc"
I saw my fiance laying down with a Oxygen
Let's finished our wedding then ill find a doner love
I run towards him and he opened his arms for me
"I miss you!"
"I miss you too!"
We broke the hug
"How Aunt?"
"Pretty strong. She's now managing our hotel again. And that monster is gone. He's in prison for drugs and abuse"
"Did he abuse you?"
"Nope but he abuse mom. But don't worry moms alright"
He nodded
After the one year i
Got use to speaking English again. Probably because of mom
"Let's go to the mansion and let's eat dinner!"
"Okay okay"
We came out side and saw my lambo
"It's still alive"
"Ofcourse i took extra great care of it"
He escorted me before driving
"Have you heard?"
"Klee need a heart doner."
"Oh ... I'm never updated to them hehehe"
"Okay change topic. Did you date any girls in canada?"
I blushed
"N-no ofcourse"
He laughed
"But did you like someone?"
"Yes i did but she's straight so I just decided to be single forever"
We laugh. Kuro and i stayed in touched after that day. He's now more taller and matured. He told me he didn't continue becoming a teacher. He just managed my hotel. And im proud of him. We got to the mansion and after i unpacked we got straight to the fancy restaurants he's taking me
"What's your order ma'am?"
"One steak please and a water"
"How about you sir?"
"Also the steak and water. And two banana split for us"
"Okay coming right up"
And the waiter left
"So mr. Billionaire how's your life"
"Good miss billionaire"
We laugh but before we can continue kuros expression change. And he looking at someone. I turned around and saw Luna, gab, viron, nash vironica and... Klee
And they saw me
I turned around to face kuro again
And just in time our food arrived
"This looks good"
"Let's go to the secret Garden "
I answered. And our old friends sat down. And they took glances at us
After we ate we just left the restaurant but our old friends followed
We stopped
"We're sor-"
"Don't even start. Don't worry i forgave you"
I looked at Kuro
"Let's g-"
"Kayla wait"
Klee grabbed my hand and handed me and kuro a invitation
"Please come"
"I'll try"
And we left
When we arrived at the garden kuro asked immediately
"It's still her right? You never moved on"
I said and i opened the invitation
"But it's too late"
It's a wedding invitation.
Im one of the bridesmaid and kuro is my escort. I smiled because even though she thought i cheated she still invited me to be her bridesmaid.
"Let's go together. And i have the exact perfect gift for her. Say kuro, i ever i die I'll make you the C.E.O of my company. Take care of mom and the mansion and im always here by your side"
"Why are you saying this?"
"Just incase. We'll never know what will happen tomorrow or any other day"
"And if that day ever happen. You can tell them the truth, promise me kuro "
"I promise"

𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑻𝒘𝒐 𝑩𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒆❁Where stories live. Discover now