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This is a living hell. I couldn't seem to sleep last night because every time I closed my eyes, my best friend would pop out of nowhere, either naked or asking me to undress him.

What did I do to deserve this? Did the archons finally punish me after what I did in the past? More importantly, why is it ether? Is it because of what happened in the classroom? I get that he sometimes takes peculiar actions to make me experience unusual emotions, but what made it different yesterday?

Not to mention, the bathroom daydream made me hard as fuck. Why is it up? Does this make me a pervert?

No. What happened in the bathroom was just a mistake, and this is only confusion.

Who am I kidding? Confusion is not the answer, and it is definitely not normal to think and act like this towards your best friend. But what does this rare emotion mean?

I scratched the back of my head and sighed in frustration. My head already ached from lack of sleep, and searching for an answer to these questions made it worse. I even have to ask my dad to give me a ride to school because of this insane headache.

I don't know what will happen at school today, but my decision is final: I have to avoid Aether for a while until my mind is at peace. Seeing him will only make me lose my essence as a human being.

"Xiao, are you okay? Is there something bothering you? You seem to be deep in thought." Dad's question snapped me back to the real world.

"It's nothing, dad."

"Nothing seems to be something." He replied.

"Just homework." I have to use the 'homework' excuse otherwise my dad won't stop pestering me.

"Homework? You can ask Aether for help." God, my heart almost left my chest because hearing his name scared the crap out of me.


Minutes have passed, and we have arrived at the university. Dad immediately left as soon as he dropped me off at school. Fuck, avoiding Aether is impossible because we're in the same class and we're seatmates, but it may be a piece of cake.

• Classroom •

Shit, it's not a piece of cake. His yellow eyes mesmerized me as he looked at me and passed the crumpled paper to me. His way of making me notice him was like casting a spell to give him the attention he wants, but why does my heart feel this way?

Fuck, get a grip. It's not like the first time he looked at you.

What he wrote on the paper were questions like "are you okay?" and "are you avoiding me?" Of course, I had to lie about it, and our small conversation ended because I threw the paper in the trash bin.

But destiny has to be fucked up today since we are groupmates in our literature project together with Chongyun.

The day has merely begun, but there's already a lot to digest, and it made my headache worse than before.

Hours went by, and students were slowly leaving the classroom because class had ended.

A person tapped me on the shoulder. It was hard to recognize him at first because my vision was blurry, but then my eyesight became clear, and the person was Aether.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐄𝐑 | xɪᴀᴏ x ᴀᴇᴛʜᴇʀ (On Revision)Where stories live. Discover now