The Chase

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Ever since my mother was murdered, people have been chasing my sister Adeline and I. My mother was part of a secret U.S government program which consisted of covert operatives. The program was designed to eliminate all the "bad guys", quietly. No one except the government knew about this program until it all changed. After that, there was no hiding. A network known as the SSA somehow managed to hack into the government's file system. One of the agents found the file for the program and downloaded everything onto a hard drive then deleted the file. SSA came after my family because the file had a code. A code that hid the real information to the program's past, EVERYTHING. Only my mom knew the code because she created it. In fact, my mom created everything. She had been a genius. Now SSA is coming after me, Serena. The only chance of survival for whoever was left of my family was to run, and that's exactly what we did.


A loud buzzing from my phone's alarm woke me up on Thursday morning. My translucent curtains reflected the sun's radiant glow as the morning breeze entered.

I reluctantly pulled myself from my bed and went to the bathroom. When I got inside I found mom's flat iron still out and plugged in. That's strange, I thought. Mom never forgets to put anything away.

Something felt wrong. Still in my pajamas, I hustled downstairs into the dining room. "Mom!" I shouted.

There was no response. Every single room I had checked was empty. I still had one room to check, the basement. So I took a flashlight and extra batteries and headed into the dark storage area.

The stairs were old and had gotten to the point of breakage. Its color was fading and made unusual sounds when being stepped on.

I scanned the room for any sign of my mother but found nothing. From the corner of my eye, I saw something in the figure of a human, laying motionless on the ground. I cautiously walked over to it and pointed the flashlight directly onto it.

I couldn't believe my eyes. There, lying on the ground was my mother surrounded by her own puddles of blood. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I felt bitter. Three bullets to the head had killed her. My bitter feelings changed to monstrous anger. Whoever did this, would pay the full price. I picked up the phone my mother had held in her hand and opened her most recent call. Paul Blueford, was the name leading the list of calls mom had made today. Who was he? I guess the police would have to find out.

CHAPTER II: Getaway Plan

"Do you remember anything unusual yesterday morning?" The police officer questioned me.

I had dialed 911 the day after my mother's death so Adeline wouldn't know. But when Adeline did finally wake up, I was forced to tell her everything. She didn't burst out in tears but wouldn't talk either.

Several photographers were snapping pictures of the crime scene like they were paparazzi. Outside behind the curtain, a dark figure stood watching. But when I turned to see, it was gone. I told my sister Adeline to hurry upstairs and pack everything she could into one suitcase. She quietly slipped from the conversation and tentatively went up stairs.

A tall business like woman in her mid thirties walked towards Adeline and I. "Is there any family members you girls can call?" She said.

I shook my head sadly having knowledge that we would be orphans. Suddenly, a plan popped in my head. We had no family left since my parents were divorced. My grandparents lived on Rhode Island for a while before moving to London. We'd have to run. Paul Blueford was going to pay for what I assumed he did.

By the time Adeline returned, I had packed and changed into jeans, a Nike sweater, and an old pair of Converse( I wasn't much of a girly-girl). Adeline had on navy blue leggings, a small Cherokee jacket and sneakers.

" Sorry kiddo, but you don't have authority to leave." Said abruptly, a police officer guarding the door.

With confidence coming from nowhere, I replied fiercely," Are you telling me that I need authority to leave my own house? Let me tell you something cop, you can't tell me to do anything. I don't care if you 're a cop, I don't care if you 're the president. Now step aside Officer John," I said reading his name tag. " before things get messy in here."

Officer John looked momentarily confused. Just enough time to cause a distraction. Adeline seemed to understand me and "accidentally" tipped our family's pottery collection. The shattering grabbed everyone's attention. Adeline, and I held on to our suit cases and ran, as fast as we possibly could.

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