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I followed Anne down the stairs to go eat dinner. When we got there the food was set out on the table and Mr and Ms Boonchuy were already seated. "This is nice." I say under my breath.

*after dinner*

"Thanks mom and dad!" Anne says as she runs upstairs. "Oh thank you!" I say to the Boonchuys as I follow Anne up. "That dinner was really nice." I say while sitting on Anne's bed. "The dinners at my house are.."
"Hey Mar-Mar, your not there anymore. Don't worry about it! This is your new home." I tear up. Anne hugs me and starts to play with my hair which makes my stomach feel as if its doing flips. "Your safe here."

"Marbles do you got a toothbrush?" "Uh no.. sorry." "Oh don't worry we have extras!" Me and Anne walked to the bathroom. "We've got some in this cabinet." Anne said while digging like crazy. I swear it was like the cabinet was about to eat her. "AHA FOUND IT! Look its even green your favorite color!" Anne smiled her beautiful smile. One that could cheer anyone up on a rainy day. "Mar-Mar you in there?" "Oh yeah, sorry spaced out!" I said in the most awkward way imaginable. Why can't I just tell her!

Me and Anne had changed into our pajamas and started getting ready for bed. I left to use the bathroom and when I looked in the mirror I saw bruises all along my arms. Some sprinkled on my legs. "God I look like a over riped banana.." I mumbled as I made my way out of the bathroom and back to Annes. I can tell Anne acknowledged my bruises but didn't say anything. "Well we have school tomorrow. We better get to sleep." Anne said.

It had been a while and Anne had already fallen asleep. She looked so peaceful. Her hand was right next to mine. Im sure she wouldn't mind plus im having a hard time falling asleep. I put my hand on hers expecting her to pull away. She then interlocks our hands and pulls it close to her face. Which almost makes our noses touch because of how close her hand already was to my face. I slowly start to drift asleep hoping that this moment never ends.

*time skip to the end of the week and yes the week was pretty much the same thing every day*

It was a Saturday, Anne and I played video games pretty much the whole day until Anne's stomach rumbled. "So Im not the only one who's stomach is trying to eat itself!" I joke. "I have an idea! Lets go to the cat cafe its really close!" Anne said. "We need to get dressed tho." I say. "Good idea." Me and Anne laugh at that for a bit before we pick out our outfits.

We then walk to the cafe listening to Anne's playlist. The song that plays is also one of my favorites.. weird.

I wanna be with you / marcanne / Marcy x anneWhere stories live. Discover now