taco, did somebody say taco?

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"Now about those tacos," Makayla said.


The short burst of excitement from watching that crime masked my hunger but as soon as she said the word 'taco', I felt my stomach gurgle again.

Just the thought of those soft shells filled with heavily seasoned burger meat, crispy lettuce, chopped tomatoes, and cheese...

"I can hear your mouth watering all the way from here," Makayla said.

"It's tacos. Who's mouth wouldn't water?"

I watched from the corner of my eye as she pulled the coat off.

"Not cold anymore?" I asked.

"Nah. The sun dried me off a long time ago." She handed me the coat. "Thank you for that again."

"No problem."

I took it and slung it across my shoulder.


We finally reached the Taco Truck. 

"Hola, amigos, what can I get you today?" the guy said. 

"It's a taco truck," Makayla said in a 'duh' tone. "So, we would like tacos."

The guy laughed. "Si, si. Itsa taco truck but we also sell some enchiladas," he began to count off of his fingers."chilaquiles, enmoladas, burritos, mulitas, conchas-"

"We get it," I said. "You sell every kind of authentic Mexican food found all over Mexico in a truck specifically labeled Taco Truck."

He shrugged. "I didn't hear you coming up with a better name, amigo."

"Can we just have a taco?" Makayla asked obviously annoyed at our back and forth. 

"Sure," Taco Guy said. "but what kind?" 

"How many kinds are there?" I asked. 

"A lot," Makayla answered. 

Taco Guy nodded. "Si, senor. We have tacos al pastor, tacos de pescado, barbacoa, carne asada-"

"Can we just have a regular one?"

"You'd like the carne asada then. It's more like the Americanized taco version."

"I'll have a nopales," Makayla said.

"What is that?" I asked her.

"It's a vegetarian taco made of the edible section of a cactus."

"That sounds nasty"

"Ay, amigo," Taco Guy spoke. "Don't knock it 'til you tried it." 

Makayla and I found a bench to enjoy our tacos. 

Mine smelled mouth-watering and tasted even better. I couldn't understand why in the world anyone would give this type of taco up for a cactus one.

I took a sip of my drink.  Agua de Jamaica. It tasted better than I thought it would for a hibiscus based drink. Kind of like cranberry almost.

Makayla was quick to tell me it wasn't pronounced 'A-goo-ah dee jamaica' as I had read it on the menu but instead 'A-gwa de ha-my-cah'.

Either way. It was good. That's really what was important to me.

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