Chapter Eight

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(Lunch, Monday)

I walk into the lunch room and quickly make my way over to the table to sit next to Peter and Ned.  Peter acknowledges me by wrapping his arm around me while he’s talking to Ned.  I have no problem listening to Peter and Ned talk together because I’m hungry and I like listening to their conversations anyway.  And on the brightside, Peter always looks to me here and there to make sure I’m okay, and not bored with their conversation.  He likes to make sure I always feel included.

I finish eating after around fifteen minutes and excuse myself to the bathroom, skipping through the hallways when I realize that nobody’s there to see me as I hum one of my favorite songs.

When I’m done using the restroom and I’m walking out of my stall to the sink so I can wash my hands, I catch sight of somebody leaning against the wall a few feet away from me.  I pause in front of the sink as I lock eyes with her.  Makenna.  My childhood best friend, but now my highschool bully.

I sigh and turn fully to her, crossing my arms and cocking my head.  It’s never hard to tell when Makenna needs something.  “What do you want, Makenna?”  My cold tone makes her giggle, obnoxiously high pitched and ringy in the restroom.

Makenna fixes some of her makeup in the mirror, smacking her gum.  “I just wanted to talk to my bestie.”

I roll my eyes.  “Makenna, that ended a long time ago.”

Makenna turns back to me, putting her hands on her hips.  “You’re right.  I just wanted to tell you something.”

“Well, spit it out.”

“I will, don’t rush me or I may not tell you.”  She looks annoyed and pushes some of her hair behind her ear.  “And I’m pretty sure you’d want to know since it’s about your ‘Precious Peter’.”  She makes air quotes with her fingers, rolling her eyes and scoffing.

I struggle to keep my temper as I take a deep breath and look her right in the eye.  “Alright.”

“Have you heard yet?”

I stare at her, puzzled.  “Heard what?”

“That Peter’s going out with Liz.”  Makenna smiles real big at me, the smile telling me instantly that she’s lying.

“Funny joke, Makenna,”  I say, turning to the sink.  I turn on the water and get soap on my hands to wash them.  “He was all googly eyes for her in tenth grade.  We’re seniors now and frankly, he finds her incredibly annoying.”

“Uh huh.  Then do you want to look at these text messages that I got my hands on?  I’m pretty sure that this is Peter’s number.”  She shoves her phone into my wet hands as I’m reaching for paper towel and I’m met with screenshots of texts.  The name at the top is Peter’s name and the texts are supposedly to and from Liz.  I read through all of them.

As I slowly hand Makenna’s phone back to her, it feels like my heart shatters into a million pieces.  Not just because I’ve just been told and shown that the guy I’ve had a crush on for two years is with another girl, but because Peter never once told me anything about it at all.  He never mentioned that he’s dating anybody.

“Oh no,”  Makenna puts her hand over her mouth in mock surprise after she put her phone away into the back pocket of her pants.  “He didn’t tell you, didn’t he?”

I can’t form any words so I just shake my head, tears stinging the edges of my eyes as I struggle to hold them back.

“Oh,”  she laughs one of her fake laughs and turns away.  “Whoops!”
And just like that, she’s gone, leaving me to cry alone in the bathroom.

(Peter’s POV)

I look back towards the cafeteria doors.  Y/n still hasn’t come back yet and I’m starting to wonder if she’s alright.  Ned had to leave lunch early to go study in the library and I've just been anxiously awaiting y/n's return.

As I push the rest of my food away, my hunger diminishing in my unease, somebody sits next to me.  When I look, I’m face to face with Flash.

“Hey, Penis Parker,”  Flash says, slapping his hand on the table.  “How is it with your little cling-on girly?  What was her name again?  Linda, Jenny…Ah.  Nope.  It was y/n, right?  How could I ever forget?”

I feel my anger spark almost immediately and I glare at him, clenching my fists.  I hate when people talk about her like that.  “She’s not my ‘cling-on’.  She’s my closest friend.”

“Chill Parker, I get it.  You’re overprotective of her,”  Flash states flatly, rolling his eyes.  “I just wanted to tell you that half the school knows your little secret.”

My stomach drops and I swear that my heart stops.  Everybody knows “my little secret”?  The only secret I have is the exact one I told y/n yesterday and it’s that I’m Spiderman.  Could somebody have overheard our conversation on the bench?  I should have been more careful.  Was I speaking too loud?  Who overheard? 

“What?  How?”  I question anxiously.

Flash chuckles and gestures towards the door of the lunchroom.  When I look, I see y/n walking in.  “Ask that little girlfriend of yours.  How much of a close friend is she now?”  Before I can say anything else, he’s gone, going back to his own table.

Y/n finally makes it back and sits next to me, but she isn't speaking.  To be completely honest, I don’t want to speak to her anyways and I’m already petrified that she told everyone.  Tony is going to kill me when he finds out. 

I get up to throw away the rest of my food, the sickening feeling in my stomach weighing me down as I force myself to walk quickly.  I keep my head low as I walk back to the table, avoiding looking at y/n as I sit.  I can’t bear looking at her.  I feel so angry, betrayed, upset.

I can't believe she told everybody that I’m Spiderman the day after she found out.

1045 Words

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