Chapter Three

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Y/n’s POV
The Next Day (Friday)

I sit in my seat next to Peter right as the tardy bell rings, panting hard from running through the hallways like I was trying to finish a race.

“Jesus, y/n,”  Peter says, chuckling and elbowing me.  “What’d you do, run a marathon?”

“It feels like it,”  I gasp out, laying your head on my desk as I catch my breath.  “I was not going to be late again.”

Peter looks like he’s about to say something, but as he barely gets a sound out, our speech teacher walks in.

“Alright, class,”  he says, clapping his hands to get everyone’s attention.  “Phones away and listen to my directions.”  Everyone’s looking now.  “Instead of preparing our next speech, we are going to do something fun— Shh, stay silent please.” 

I look excitedly at Peter and he returns my gaze with the same, shared enthusiasm.

Mr. Krel continues speaking.  “We’re going to do Secret Santas.  Here are the rules, okay?  Stay with me,”  he struggles to keep the excited talking to a minimum as he holds up a bowl with white papers in it.  “This bowl contains all 30 of your names.  You are going to draw ONE of the names.  Who you get is who you get and you have to have something for them by Monday— and you must spend ten dollars at the minimum.  If price is an issue for you, please talk to me.  Once you give this person your gift, you will come to me and tell me and then I will check off your name.  Boom, easy 50 summative points.  This is a REQUIRED grade, class.”

I play anxiously with my h/l h/c hair.  I’m nervous to see who I get for my secret santa.  I look over again to Peter, secretly hoping it’ll be him I get because he’s my only friend in this class.  … And maybe because he’s the guy I have a crush on.

Mr. Krel sits at his desk, pulling up a spinning wheel on his computer, the wheel visible on the projector.

“This wheel has all of your names on it and I am going to spin it.”  He clicks and the wheel starts spinning.  He reads out the name it landed on.  “Jazmine.”

I breathe a sigh of relief as a girl with long black hair gets up and makes her way to the front of the class, drawing a name and sitting back in her seat after.

It feels like an eternity of waiting until my name is called.  I’m doodling Peter, ironically, in my notebook when I hear my name.

“Y/n,”  Mr. Krel says, smiling at me.  “Your turn.”

I get up and quickly walk to the front of the class, shoving my hand in the bowl and pulling a little white paper out, sitting back in my seat before I look.

Mr. Krel keeps spinning names while the students make casual conversation as they usually do everyday.  I look at my paper to see who I got, anxious to find out who I have to get a present for.

I can’t help my huge smile as I read the name.  The paper has “Peter Parker” written across it and I smile bigger, already running through the things I can get for him.  I realize Peter’s leaning over to try and peek and see who’s on my paper and I quickly shove it into my sweatshirt pocket.

“No sir,”  I say, placing my finger on the bridge of his nose and pushing his face away so he can’t try anything.  “That’s not allowed.”

Peter whines, sounding more like an impatient two-year-old than anything else.  “Please just let me see, y/n.”  He tries to reach over and grab it out of my pocket but I smack his hand away, stifling my laughter.  “I won’t tell anyone!”

“Nope!”  I keep pushing his hand back.  “God, Peter!  You’re like a puppy.  You don't learn what no means the first time.”

Peter sighs, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat to glare at me, but he doesn’t look mad at all because his eyes show everything.  “Fine, you won’t know who mine is then.”

I shrug, smiling.  “You’re not supposed to show me anyways.  It’s called secret santa for a reason.”

Peter looks so mad at me, but he can’t say anything else because Mr. Krel calls his name just before he can talk.  He glares at me as he grabs a paper and puts it into his pocket, not bothering to take a look at it.

“Aren’t you gonna look and see who you got?”  I ask as he plops down in his chair.

Peter shakes his head.  “Remind me when we get home and I’ll look then.”

“Okay,”  I reluctantly agree, stretching in my seat and yawning.  When I look back at Peter, I see him spaced out, staring at me.  “Are you alright, Peter?”  I ask, reaching forward to grab his hand but I stop myself almost as soon as I begin reaching.

He blinks, his eyes focusing on mine.  “Yes, I’m okay.  Sorry, y/n.”

I think nothing of it, changing the subject.  “So… What movie should we watch tonight?”

880 Words

Secret Santa - Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now