Mission KiriBaku {Pt.2}

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"Would you ever try and make your crush jealous?"

"Bold of you to assume I have a crush" Bakugo said in a slightly teasing tone

There was a pause after he said that, until he stated "But obviously I would just tell them, and not hide it like a scared extra" I expected that answer from him but he seemed a little unsure with it.

We sat there is silence for a few minutes just staring off into the distance of the UA grounds, I heard a sigh come from beside me. I looked over towards Bakugo and he was looking up with his eyes closed

"Shittyhair, are you and Pikachu dating" I was slightly surprised by the question even though me and Denki were flirting with eachother earlier. "Um.. no, why do you ask" Omg I'm so dumb obviously he's asking cuz if the plan to make him jealous.

"Just wondering" I'm confused, why is Bakugo being so calm? Should i ask him? I mean I guess it would hurt... maybe. "Why are you being so calm" With that he looked at me like I said something insulting almost "I mean, usually your always angry and yelling" He look away and said "I don't know, I don't feel like it" is he sick? Do I need to take him to recovery girl? Where is the mean and overall loud Bakugo

"Hey Bakugo, do you wanna watch a movie or something?" At this point I might as well try and make the most of calm bakugo right? "Sure, whatever"
We both get up and walk back inside where Mina and Denki were practically waiting for us. As bakugo walked in front I shook my head so they wouldn't ask questions yet then ran to catch up with Bakugo who was waiting for the elevator

Being in the elevator felt more awkward than normal but that might just be because of what is on my mind right now, we make it to my dorm and Bakugo sits on my bed while I try and find a movie

"What do you wanna watch" I said looking back at Bakugo "I don't care" "alright then, what about titanic" I love this movie "ew. No" "Excuse you but you said you didn't care so I picked" I put on the movie and then sat next to Bakugo


"Why didn't they just both get on the door, there was clearly enough room for him" "Yes but the weight on the door wouldn't hold them long enough for them to be found" Bakugo looked annoyed at that statement but it was nice

"AnYwAyS, what do you wanna do now?" Bakugo shrugged his shoulders "Wanna play 21 questions?" "What are you 12?" I acted like I took offense then replied with " Yes, yes I am" I hear a small faint chuckle "Okayy I'll go first, What's your favourite colour" I know it's a basic question but I didnt know what to ask. "Red" Hm I was kinda expecting him to say Orange but meh "You're turn"

"Whats your biggest fear?" I didnt expect that as a first question but " Probably not being able to save someone" I look down to the ground while answering "What about you, what's your biggest fear" He didn't answer.. (Bakugo angst forshadowing👀)

I look over and he looked like he was seriously thinking about something "Hey, you don't have to answer, here I'll ask a different question. Uhhh oh, do you believe in aliens?" His face became more soft and the said "What kind of question is that?" "I don't know.. Just answer it"

"Mmm I guess so.. Isn't raccoon eyes an alien?" My palm was slammed to my face "Right" I opened my eyes with me hand still on my face and see Bakugo have a smile.. BAKUGO ACTUALLY SMILING! That's something you don't see every day I don't know if I was blushing or not so a turned away just incase

"Kiri?" Bakugo called me, I look over to him and I swear he wasn't this close before "Yeah?" I responded, "Why were you flirting with Dunceface?" OMG was he actually jealous? I did a little happy dance in my head and then shrugged my shoulders to see if it would piss him off

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