Group chat - part two

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Reminder that this is if it was in 2022!!!!

I turned off my phone and smiled, I picked up my feet from my bed and walked to my closet and picked out a cute oufit for tomorrow, the last day of fricken school!!! I'm oficially going to be a 10th grader! First year of high school is over, and it was a fucking headache, as I picked out my oufit I remembered some stuff that happened this year

Like when Richie decided it would be "funny" to crush Stan and I's the project that took a whole month
"And.... Done!!! Stan we did it!" I yelled as I high fived the curly haired boy next to me "finally! Took forever, if we don't get an A then that's fucking insane!!" He yelled, I couldn't help but giggle at him as he stood up and practically screamed at my Alexa "ALEXA PLAY TAYLOR SWIFT!" He screamed, I laughed and stood up on my bed taking my brush like a microphone

"CAUSE SHE DOESNT GET YOUR HUMOR LIKE I DOOOOO" we both yelled "IM IN MY ROOM ITS A TYPICAL TUE-" we were both interrupted by the door filinging open to reaveal the losers club staring at us "fuck" I mumbled "Alexa shut the fuck up" I said sitting down Nicley on my bed next to Stan, fixing my hair "so care to explain?" Richie laughed, suddenly they were basically all on the ground dying of laughter "stop fucking laughing!" I yelled "it's not that funny" Stan mumbled, suddenly I heard a crash, and looked up to see Richie on our project laughing his ass off "IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU RICHIE" I screamed, he got up and started running away, me and Stan chased after him~~

I smiled to myself thinking of the memories, I pulled out a simple oufit for tomorrow and jumped on my bed, next I know, I was asleep

I woke up to not my alarm, but worse, Richie jumping on my bed like a 4 year old "mmm Richieeeee your 15, stop jumping on my fucking bed- and how- how the fuck did you get in my house" I asked rubbing my eyes "are you kidding me? Your sister is in love with me, she let me in" he replied, I scoffed "my sisters 18, I highly doubt she's in love with your frog face" I laughed, getting out of bed, I had a long shirt on and my under wear, "okay rich get out I have to get dressed" I told him "nothing I haven't seen before" he  giggled "THAT WAS YOUR FAULT" I screamed "jeez okay, lady problems?" He laughed "GET OUT RICHIE" I laughed harder than him.

He left and I put on the oufit  I picked out

(You can change it)After I got dressed, brushed my hair, put on mascara, I was ready, I practically ran down the stairs and tied my converse on my feet, I grabbed an apple and my backpack and opened the door to see Richie waiting

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(You can change it)
After I got dressed, brushed my hair, put on mascara, I was ready, I practically ran down the stairs and tied my converse on my feet, I grabbed an apple and my backpack and opened the door to see Richie waiting. "bye mom!" I yelled closing the door "why'd you come back outside?" I asked as we walked to school "your sister kicked me out" he said, I covered my mouth to stop my giggles.

We walked down to bills house, then Eddie's, then stan's, bevs, and then finally bens

"Hey ben!" We all called "hi" he said shyly moving next to bev, Ik he likes bev but honestly he's kinda annoying. "Are you guys ready for the best fucking summer ever" Richie asked, moving infront of us, walking backwards to face us

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