The Raid

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Vehicles drive along the road, but an odd looking car goes off-road, Soon more odd looking cars follow it.. The Vehicles all have similar appearances, Fully black cars with Dark tinted Windows and a weird logo at the side of the vehicles that seems like a skull with a arrow piercing through it.

???: Remember the plan, Head inside the Base, Eliminate all Enemies, Secure the package, and Bail out.. If it goes south call backup
???2: You got it Sir
???: Don't call me "Sir" call me by my real name
???2: Sorry Alex

The Vehicles stop at an abandon looking Factory, There's 4 Vehicles in total
[Alex gets out of his Van]
And so does the rest of the group

They grab their equipment and bags then head inside
The bags has supplies from the Military like explosives, Ammunition, Weapons, Trackers, etc.
The group of people Surround the building

Alex [R]: Remember... Silent and quickly
[The group executes the Enemies inside Silently]
???2[R]: Top floor cleared
Alex [R]: Bottom floor is also Clea-
Gun firing and yelling is herd
Alex: Shit
Alarms in the factory goes off

Alex heads to the basement of the Factory
[Ember Raiders fire at Alex]
He hides behind a counter
[Soldiers head down but gets shot dead by Raiders]
Alex: shit..
Raider1: What now huh

Alex bolts out of his hiding spot and fires at them before hiding behind a create
Raiders hide behind props in the basement
[A Raider peaks out of his hiding spot]
He gets shot by Alex
[Soldiers come down and fire at Raiders]
Raiders fire at the Soldiers, Then Alex uses the distraction to take a Raider down and fire at another one

Alex gets out of his hiding spot and slowly walks to the Raider
Raider: plea-
[Alex shoots him clean on the head]
???[R]: Four Skull Arrow soldiers down
Soon more Soldiers get down and search the place

[Alex walks into a secret room]
Alex: Hey guys i found the Lab
Soldiers search the place
???: Found the Package
Alex: Great lets go now
The rest of the group heads back up

Groups of Ember raiders wait for them outside
[They shoot and kill 5 Soldiers]
Commander: three of you left, Give us the Package and we let you go..
Commander: if you don't.. We'll kill you all
Alex looks at the three remaining Soldiers
They have a small talk
3 heads out with a box in his hands
3: i have the package.. Guns down

Commander: Great, tell the rest to come out hands in the air
[Alex and the other soldier come out with hands in the air]
Commander heads down and walks to 3
[He grabs the box and starts opening it]
3: Nothing personal
Alex and the other back up
Commander: SON OF-
The Box explodes

Alex fires at the Raiders alive
The other one throws a Frag under The Raiders Van, it explodes
Alex: Is that all of them?
[??? gets shot by Dying Commander]
Alex: JAKE!
[Alex shoots the Commander Multiple times in the Chest before running out of ammo]
Commander: Sh-shit..
Alex slowly walks to the Commander pulling out his knife
Commander: B-before you kill me, I just wanna tell y-you... The Skull A-Arrow is hiding something...
Alex: Like i would believe you.
[Alex Finishes the Commander with a Knife to the head]

Alex: What a mess..
Alex pulls out the Boxed Package
Alex: I should head to HQ
[Alex places the package in the Van and hot wires the Van]
Alex then drives away

12 Years Earlier
Somewhere in the U.S

its a sunny day in a Prison, Guard are escorting an inmate to a room with nothing but a table and two chairs. The Guards put the Inmate on the chair and walked out

???: wh-What is this
??: Hey Alexander Bryant
Alex: Huh
??: I came here to get you to work for an organization, that's working with the Government, FBI, and CIA
Alex: and why do you think I would work for you
??: because, I like your skill, And its either this or spend 43 more years in here
Alex: ...What's the organization about
??: Skull Arrow is an organization about working for the Feds and doing missions for them
Alex: like what kind of missions
??: Every Mission you can think about, Even with Murder.
??: You'll be trained, your gonna group up with others, how does it sound
Alex: So were working with the Feds?
??: Basically 
Alex: Then I'm in
2 days after Present Day

Alex walks into ?? office
Alex: Hey Old Timer, You called me?
??: Yeah, We have another Job for you
Alex: Another?
??: Yeah, We cant get it opened, only the guy who set the lock can
Alex: Cant you guys just force it open
??: we tried that, didn't work
Alex: So.. Where am i going
??: You like parties?
Alex: i-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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