Chapter 1: Starting a New Era

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A small desert town is roaring with life and vigor. The local inn is bustling with all types of characters and all-around town, everyone is enjoying themselves conversing, boasting loudly of what they accomplished today and what they plan to accomplish tomorrow as well as laughing with one another. In one of the many taverns however, a problem is brewing. An altercation between a group of guards and a group of individuals who are regular troublemakers in this town has spilled out onto the streets of this otherwise happy and upbeat town. Before long, the group of 3 troublemakers, Nelz, Ubel and Ella were thrown out of the tavern right as a young man was passing by, stopping him from passing.


The patrons of the tavern paid them little mind, laughing at them and buying the guards who did the deed another round of drinks. This angered Ubel who was about to storm back into the tavern but was stopped by Ella and Nelz.

"Calm down you drunk idiot, let's hurry back before the storm rolls in." Nelz said.

"Honestly, this is why I hate teaming up with you two, always getting in trouble, " Ella said.

Ubel grits his teeth before smacking their hands away from him and mocks them. A childish remark which Nelz pays no mind to, but Ella, annoyed, swings in an attempt to slap Ubel. Expecting this for what he just did, Ubel manages to slip under the slap and the slap directed at him lands on the face of the young man who was just trying to ease himself by them. Although rather unfazed by the slap, Nelz and Ella look at the young man shocked, and quickly begin to apologize, while Ubel laughs. Nelz silences Ubel before letting the hooded young man pass. The young man bows and walks right by them. Around this time, the guards who had previously thrown the three out were exiting the tavern and noticed the three arguing and disturbing the people around them, so they once again chased them away before returning to petrol the town. After being chased around the three decide to call it a day and return from where they came from. While leaving the inn where they had their belongings, they ran into the young man again. He stood there with a compass in hand and seemed to be staring into sky. They approached him and Ella got a glimpse of the face under his hoodie before he reeled back and stepped away from them.

"What's someone like you doing all the way out here? " Ella said.

"Someone like me? " The young man responded.

Ubel and Nelz looked at the young man and then looked at Ella, asking her what she could mean by that.

" 's cute, " she said "And I don't know if you noticed, but you two are the equivalent of a horse and a donkey," she added. "t's a welcome change of pace"

After receiving a slap on the back of head from Nelz he then reminded her that they would need to head off soon if they wanted any chance of beating the storm. Ella protested saying that they should take the kid with him. Ubel and Nelz both disagreed before starting to walk towards the gate and out of the town. Ella waved bye and then followed after. The young man simply stared at them before letting out a large sigh and disappearing shortly after. Shortly after leaving the town, Ubel, Nelz and Ella spread their wings and set off to their destination. The young man comes out of his hiding spot behind a nearby building a little while after Ubel, Nelz and Ella set off.

"That should be enough time... but now... Will I be able to make it in time..." he said before walking into the desert. Before he could get too far a guard stops him.

"Are you new around here?" he asks. "There's a massive storm rolling in! You best stay here."

"Ah, ill be fine." the young man says. Before the guard could say another thing, he disappeared.

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