Visitors From All Around

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After escaping from Dulvine, Kuri and Hazel have been traveling for quite some time. This day they landed on the topic of what Kuri's plans were.

"So, after practically kidnapping me, what do you plan on doing?" Hazel asked.

"...You're really not letting that go huh... We're stopping by a home of mine... of sorts." Kuri said.

"A home? You have multiple?" she said shockingly.

"Let's not dive into details, its more like a base of operations" he said.

"Alright, so mind telling me why exactly you brought me along?" she asked.

"Because leaving you in Dulvine would've most likely led to your death, most of the revolutionaries left Dulvine as per my instruction and Muuri said he was going to take care of things so soon enough you'll be able to go back." He said.

"Are you sure you didn't just take a liking to me???" she said while smiling.

"Nope... No feelings what's so ever." He said bluntly.

She sat back in her seat, crossing her arms and pouting. As she sat back she took notice to the fact that he was still wearing that scarf she first seen him with.

"So, do you still not want to tell me what happened to your eye?" she asked him while reaching for his scarf.

Kuri moves away from her before saying, " You'll find out soon enough. So, where do you come from Hazel?"

"Is it that obvious that I'm not from a big city like Dulvine." She said.

"Yeah, I know someone from the country who tries their hardest to hide their accent, although she's kinda bad at it, your worse." He said.

Hazel slapped him on the back of the head. "RUDE! But you aren't wrong, I'm from the city of Bellstruck it's-" she says.

"Ah I've been there before; around this time of year, they should be getting ready to start growing wheat, right?" he said.

"HUH?!" Hazel said surprised. "Bellstruck isn't a city that is often visited... No one ever really goes there, the only time there are visitors it's for crop sales... But you even know the crop rotation?!"

As she prodded him to tell her more about what he knows about Bellstruck, he changed the subject.

"It's not uncommon for me to know things like that though, I often move around a lot, I used to be a travelling merchant." He said.

"REALLY? Where else have you been!?" she said. "There are so many places I want to visit, I heard there are some really pretty sites all over both kingdoms. I wish there wasn't a war going on so I could visit."

"Where did you hear that from?" He asked.

"Well... It's supposed to be a secret but since you helped the revolutionaries in the first place, you aren't exactly in the good graces of the Demon Kingdom I assume" She said. "The Revolutionaries that you fought with weren't only fighting for the good of the town, but they are also apart of a grander revolution."

"So they are fighting for peace between both kingdoms?" Kuri asked.

"Yup, although this war was started long, long, ago by our ancestors, there was once a time where angels and demons lived together..." She said. "while I don't know about living together I do wish for a time where we could simply reside alongside each other."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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