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( 𝐱𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞🫀! )


                                       You sat on a dirty old couch in a room surrounded by a bunch of druggies and alcoholics, people danced together as 'clouded' by brent faiyaz played lightly in the back. You bob your head lightly to the beat as you scroll through your phone getting lost through the posts. 

You chew on the string of your hoodie as you scroll. Scrolling, you realize you came here with someone, Eren, your boyfriend. 

You didn't really bother or worry since he happened to be right next to you, at least that's what you thought. 

You looked over to your side and there was nothing but an empty seat. You slowly bite your tongue and look around the room, searching. 

'he was right here' you mumbled getting up. 

If you hadn't been paying attention, you could've sworn Eren was right beside you. You sat up and pulled your jeans back in place. 

As you walked through the crowds of people your nose was filled with weed and alcohol. 'shit' you mumbled from the strong scent. 

A new song came on 'gravity'. You walked up to a group of people ''Do y'all know an Eren?'' you asked them. 

As they stared at each other, one of them replied, ''Yes.'' ''Have you seen him?'' you asked. They looked at each other again, exchanging looks, like something was wrong, why do they keep doing that? you thought. 

You gave them a look, ''He's upstairs'' one replied eyeing you up and down. You eyed them back and wandered off upstairs. 

You pushed kissing strangers out of your way and started looking around. 

You knocked on one door and walked in. ''Get out fucking perv!'' the girl screamed as she quickly covered her breasts while in a reverse cowgirl position. 

You rolled your eyes, ''Calm your tits, shouldn't y'all be at home studying'' you said as you hurled a shirt at her. 

You could tell they both were around the age of 17. ''Shouldn't you-'' you slammed the door quickly not wanting to hear the girl's comment. 

You then walked to another door and opened it, as the door opened you saw a familiar auburn colored hair boy. 

You didn't say anything but continued to observe. 'Eren?' you questioned, you wanted it to be sure it was him. 

With that being said you extended the door more to get a better view. 

The girl kept blocking the view of the boy as she kept hoping and grinding herself on him.

 She squeezed his muscular arms and positioned herself over his dick. 

She sat down with a screech, ''Ou baby you so big'' she whined out dramatically. 

''Mhm'' the boy hummed, he grabbed her by the hips and gripped her meat ''Take this dick baby'' he groaned thrusting in and out of her. 

Her whining continued as she held onto him. Feeling meaningless and idiotic, you stood there. The voice that spoke, the man that was on the bed, was in fact him. 


It didn't matter what people said about Eren, you didn't want to believe it. You believed in giving people new opportunities, and clean slates.

Eren was nice to you, he cared, or that's what you thought.

 While you were praising him, talking about how everyone was wrong about him, how he changed

He was busy fucking other females on the down low. You should have known it. The late-night escapes, coming home late, hiding the text messages. 

You never went through his phone, you'd always tell yourself it's his privacy. 

Although you did feel something telling you something was wrong, a weird shifting in energy. You ignored the signs, and because of that, you found out the hard way. 

It stings your eyes watching him fuck the girl despite the fact that he was still with you. You closed the door and walked away. 

You sped down the stairs and went back to the group of people smoking. 

Looking at them dead in the eye, you asked, ''You all knew?' Your voice cracked, and your eyes watered.

 They all went silent, ''We figured it wasn't our place'' one replied not making eye contact with you. 

Wasn't their place? 

''So you guys just sat from the sidelines? not saying anything?'' you questioned. 

''Pretty much'' one admitted.

 The two of them stared at you for a moment before, muttering, "2 months." "Two months since what?" you asked. 

''You know what'' was all they said. 

Again, you looked like a fool. Rather than being angry with them or Eren, you were angry with yourself. You had played into his stupid little game and won a stupid prize. 

You didn't say anything but wander away from them and head back to the house. 

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