Chapter 08: Bonding with Papa

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Charlie's POV
For the past month I've been taking care of Mia from home.

I settled her into a routine and an eating schedule. It's been easier with Mia and Bella having separate rooms. I guess it's mostly because Bella allows me to take care of her most of the time. I assume it's because she knows that I have more experience with babies, but sometimes I think she's ignoring us and pretending that we don't exist.

I shrug off my thoughts and look back at my granddaughter who's playing in the bathtub with bubbles. She let's out her soft, awkward giggles as she's still not used to emitting the sound so freely.

I sigh and play with her hand that is becoming wrinkly. I unplug the tub and grab a fluffy lavender colored towel and wrap Mia in it before carrying her to her nursery.

Mia has brought so much light and warmth to the house. She's honestly just the sweetest thing. All she wants is to be held.

'How could Renee harm such a sweet baby? How come Bella never wants to spend any time with her?' I think as I begin to question Bella's honesty.

I shake my head and refocus on Mia. Mia's the one who's here and needs me the most right now. I put her in a fresh diaper after applying the ointment. It's been three weeks and her rash is almost gone, Carlisle says just one more week and Mia should be fine. I dress her in a cute outfit before heading downstairs.

I make her a bottle of protein milk and sit her down on my lap and turn on the game

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I make her a bottle of protein milk and sit her down on my lap and turn on the game. She drinks her milk happily and watches the game intently.

I think that she's fascinated by the colors and the cheers rather than the actual game.

I slowly rock her to sleep and smile down at her. Once I'm sure that she's out, I set the bottle on the coffee table and take her back to her nursery where I put her to sleep. I go downstairs with my baby monitor and start cleaning around the house, before making dinner for Bella and I.

Once I finish making pasta (as it's one of the few dishes I recently learned to cook) Bella enters from the front door. Her face is practically splitting from the smile on her face and she struts her way towards the stairs "Bella? Did you have a good day or something?" I ask and she nods "The best!" She practically gloats. I nodded unsurely and say "I made dinner" Bella continues up the stairs and says "I already ate" I stare after her confused and slightly hurt.

Every weekend she disappears and only comes back to sleep then shower early in the mornings before disappearing again. I don't know where she goes, as she won't tell me, but I have a sinking suspicion that it's a boy. I sighed and shake my head. I'm going to have to put my foot down.

Mia truly is a blessing, but the fact is, is that she should've been born when Bella was a mature adult and preferably married or a least living on her own and supporting herself. Not when she's an immature and borderline negligent 15 year old and the baby daddy wants nothing to do with her or Mia.

I can't let Bella do the same thing again, if she does.... I don't know how I'm going to take care of two babies alone. Tears prick my eyes as I worry about the sleeping Angel upstairs, and her future.

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