Chapter 12: Break up and Bella's pregnant again

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3rd POV
Eyes closed. But they slowly open. Bella  squints at the light.

An oxygen tube rests under her nose. She reaches for it, confused. A hand stops her as her surroundings come into focus "You're awake! Thank god you're okay!" Charlie says as Bella takes in her surroundings.

She's laying in a hospital bed. Bandaged, leg in a cast. In bad shape. Charlie hovers over her, tears of relief in his eyes. On the dresser, there's a bunch of get well cards and a photo montage of her friends from Forks "Mom? Edward? Where's -" Bella starts but Charlie says "Edward's in the waiting room with Mia and his sister Rosalie, as for Renee....she was arrested yesterday for child abuse and assault."

Bella's eyes widened as Charlie fills her in on what happened.

In the waiting room Rosalie kneels on the floor with Mia in her lap clinging to her. There's a hand shaped bruise on Mia's cheek from where Renee slapped her upon finding out that her daughter was in the hospital. Mia also had a cast on her arm from where Bella carelessly dropped her on the floor.

 Mia also had a cast on her arm from where Bella carelessly dropped her on the floor

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Emmett and Edward are sitting in chairs around her while the other Cullens give them space to talk

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Emmett and Edward are sitting in chairs around her while the other Cullens give them space to talk.

Edward is the first to speak "Carlisle says that Mia created soul bonds with you at the hospital...." Rose glances up and nods answering his unspoken question. She knew. Edward nods before asking "Is that where you both disappeared to every night?" Emmett speaks up defensively "It's not like we were trying to lie about it. We just didn't know how to explain it or if anyone would accept it" Rosa adds "Charlie got full nights sleep thanks to us, and Mia was loved and taken care of, is that so wrong?"

Edward shakes his head "You misunderstand. I'm not angry, in fact I'm relieved" Emmett and Rosalie look at Edward in surprise making Edward explain "I'm her mate, but she's just a baby. She's not ready for me and I can't properly take care of her. She needs parents considering her birth parents.... But as far as I'm concerned Bella was simply a surrogate mother for you. Mia's your daughter, she even looks like you two."

Rosalie and Emmett instinctively glanced over at Mia who looks up at them with her deep blue eyes.

Mia had a mixture of Rosalie's human violet eyes and Emmett's human blue eyes. Her hair was Emmett's dark brown almost raven color with Rosalie's curls and her skin was the same shade of ivory as Rosalie when she was human. She had Emmett's nose and dimples and Rosalie's cheekbones and face shape.

Charlie suddenly comes out and says "Edward, Bella wants to speak to you" Edward nods and gets up but before he leaves he says "I'm glad it's you two.....take care of her" he then enters the hospital room.

Back in Bella's hospital room Edward explains what really happened to Bella. Once finished Bella asks "Why didn't you let the venom spread? I could be like you right now and we could be happy together" Edward then says "You're not my mate Bella. None of it would be real" she frowns but before she can say anything Edward continues "It's also why we have to end our relationship. I found my mate, and I won't betray her. I'm sorry Bella, I hope you find happiness elsewhere" Edward leaves not letting Bella say anything.

Bella scowls and throws a mini fit before coming up with a plan.

Three months have passed and both Bella and Mia were out of their casts.

It was the last day of school before summer break and everyone was in the cafeteria signing yearbooks when Bella suddenly approaches the Cullens. Everyone goes quiet and watches the interaction. Since the break up Bella has been stalking them and it became entertainment for the students of Forks High School.

But what Bella says next stuns everyone "Edward I'm pregnant and it's yours" Edward doesn't say anything, but instead looks at Mike Newton who looks suspicious and uncomfortable.

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