Chapter 17: Countdown to the Sports Festival

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"Death by Dunes"
Iyashi became enveloped in sand as the training compound was filled to the brim with it.
"You give up yet Iyashi?"
"Not a chance Jojo."
Iyashi burst out of the sand and dashed to Joey.
"Now now we both know where this is going." Joey told him as Desert Rose appeared next to him.
Iyashi let out a flurry of punches to all be met with a stronger force from Joey's fighting spirit.
One of Desert Rose's fists outdoes Iyashi and hit him square in the stomach, knocking him back to the sand pits.
"Dune Twister"
The pit of sand began to turn into a vortex as Iyashi was dragged to the bottom of them.
"And now for the finisher." Joey said as he raised his hand in the air and Desert Rose phased into his body.
"Colliding Land Desert Series: Crashin' Sahara"
More sand appeared above them all as it overfilled the arena causing there to be seeps within the doors and windows.
Even in Spirit Overdrive mode, Iyashi was battered around like a lawn chair in a category 5 hurricane.
"I'll ask you one last time Iyashi."
"Like hell I'd surrender."
"Oh well suit yourself." Joey said as he crashed all of the sand onto Iyashi effectively burying him in it.
"5, 4, 3, 2, and 1."
"Alright Joey that's enough, get him out of there." Shinobi said from the entrance.
Emerging from the sands came Iyashi having little to no air in him.
"When the hell did you learn that." Iyashi said gasping for air.
"While you were out we worked on special moves for the sports festival, y'know to get noticed more."
"Well I can't wait to see what everyone has to show."
"Don't worry there's plenty more."
The three of them walked to a small field where the another mock battle would take place.
The students wanted to train more for the sports festival so with permission they were all allowed to use the training fields for the day with assurance that if anything went wrong they wouldn't be allowed to do so again.
"I thought you could only manipulate minerals not conjure them." Iyashi asked Joey.
"It's still a work in progress but if I allow Desert Rose to phase into me I can essentially draw out all of the tiny minerals in the air and create new things. Of course right now I can only really make sand due to the finite amounts." Joey explained to him.
"Heads up, this ought to be a good match." Shinobi said as he looked into the field where Juden and Honto stood.
"Are you gonna write me an interview or something, why are you holding a notebook and pen." Juden said to Honto.
"Dude have you seriously never paid attention to anyone else's quirks aside from the top 5?"
"I mean, they are the most powerful ones so, yeah I guess."
"Well then you're in for one hell of a surprise with my quirk." Honto said as he began stretching his hands.
Juden began to count down. "We begin in three, two, one. Now."
Juden grabbed a handful of small copper bits from his pocket and threw it all over the field.
Honto then started scribbling down page after page onto his notebook.
Suddenly a massive gust of wind centered around Honto formed as it spun all of the copper bits into the air.
"Shit." Juden said.
"Now do you understand what you're up against?" Honto said as he began to rise within the wind.
Honto Henka's Quirk, Physical Manifestation. Whatever he draws can be manifested into reality. His only limits are his imagination. The quality of the ink he uses determines how long that conjured thing remains in the world. His quirk only works with writing utensils that require ink. Another thing, whatever he draws on is not limited to only paper and can be anything ranging from leather to cloth.
"Now then what to draw, perhaps an titanic eldritch dragon completely under my command, or perhaps a giant with the powers of Thor. The possibilities are endless." Honto said.
"Mythical Series: Basilisk."
A purple portal appeared to the right of Honto as a large snake slither through it, it's dark green scales covered in scars and wounds.
"What the hell is that?!" Juden asked utterly terrified.
"It's a basilisk, a creature from ancient mythology with its origins rooted far deeper than most mythological creatures. It's eyes have been sealed shut so it cannot turn you into stone with a simple glare. Still, it can sense your presence with its impeccable sense of smell."
"Ok so how to take this thing down." Juden thought to himself.
He reached into his pockets to pull out multiple more metals, each highly conductive.
He started running toward the beast as it slithered its way toward him.
As the creature got closer it opened its mouth to reveal thousands upon thousands of rows of razor sharp teeth.
Juden then threw his bits everywhere as he began to go into all of it.
It managed to confuse the creature as multiple holographic-like figures of Juden stood.
It attempted to bite each of clones only to be horribly shocked as a result.
Honto wasn't able to gain a clear view of what was transpiring as the monster seemed to have an endless body in length as it's body was still emerging from the portal.
Suddenly Juden jumped out right in front of Honto surprising him greatly.
"My turn"
"Bolt Beam"
He fired the shot directly into Honto's notebook and burned it right in the center. As a result, the Void Basilisk has its entire middle section vaporized as it cried out in anguish and disappeared into nothing.
Honto fell to the floor as his notebook burned and standing above him was Juden ready to discharge another electric blast at him.
"Alright, you win." Honto said as he held his hands up.
"Honto sure is powerful alright, but you manage to close the gap with him and he's essentially hopeless." Shinobi said, still sitting in the stands with Iyashi and Joey.
"Either way that's one incredible quirk." Iyashi said.
Looking over in front of their dorm, Joey saw Deyue, Zoka, and Kessho practicing sword fighting.
"Hey they're practicing in a field in front of the dorms, this should be a nice break. Yo Juden and Honto. Wanna stick with us for a bit, we're showing Iyashi around." Joey asked.
"Thanks for the invite but we're still gonna go a few rounds." Juden told him.
"Alright see you guys at the dorms, and Honto don't be afraid to kill the twerp." Joey said jokingly.
"Can't make any promises mate." Honto said as he pulled out another notebook.
The group of three began walking to the dorms as  they heard a loud screech and a fire blast followed by Juden screaming.
"5th Bamboo Blade Technique: Stilts"
Zoka floated in the air as multiple sharp stilts of Bamboo struck Kessho and Deyue.
Deyue and Kessho both blocked the attacks with their own swords and counterattacked with their own swings.
"10th Bamboo Blade Technique: Bamboo God"
Tens of hundreds of bamboo leaves sprouted from Zoka's exposed back as they formed a large panda that struck the two.
Kessho created a large shield and blocked the attack as he allowed for Deyue to strike down Zoka.
"Second Flight: Aerial Ace"
Deyue thrust himself forward towards Zoka with his Rapier at the front as he suddenly appeared behind him.
The two stood for a short moment before Deyue's rapier shattered and Zoka stood unscathed.
"That one didn't even scratch me." Zoka said as his fingers turned into sharpened bamboo.
Zoka Chikurin, his quirk Bamboo. With this quirk he can generate, manipulate and transform into bamboo at will, more accurately the type of bamboo he uses is Giant Timber Bamboo. With this quirk his entire body's composition into bamboo so most physical attacks don't harm him.
"And that's the fifth damn rapier you shattered." Deyue said angrily.
Deyue Rusodo, his quirk Rapier. He can generate rapiers from his body at an unlimited amount. However, the more rapiers he produces the lesser the quality and this always resets after a 24 hour period.
"Jeez Deyue, it's been that many?" Kessho said creating another sword.
"This is barely my second blade."
"You try cutting through something harder than steel."
"I'll take you up on that offer." Kessho said as he called for a timeout.
"Zoka you mind creating a single stalk of bamboo, in front of me."
"Suit yourself Kessho, but that blade of yours won't cut it." Zoka told him as a stalk appeared in front of Kessho.
"Please, this is was certified by Shinobi's brother who's a swordsman." Kessho exclaimed as he refined his sword into a katana.
"Yet you forgot what my brother told you, 'It doesn't matter how sharp the sword is, what matters is if you know how to use it' ."
"Sure, so Deyue wanna bet 10 bucks on it."
"Make it 20, no further."
"Done, alright stand back, I don't want the splinters of the stalk to get in anyone's face."
Kessho stood still holding his katana, he looked at the bamboo stalk, and he looked at his katana again.
With all of his strength he swung at the stalk.
Kessho's katana split into two as one of the half flew to Iyashi's face, which Shinobi managed to catch with his telekinesis.
"Please Kessho, Iyashi just got back, let's try not to kill him." Shinobi said as he dropped the blade to the floor.
"I'll take that 20 bucks now if it makes no difference to you." Deyue arrogantly said to Kessho.
"We can settle that after we've finished training." Zoka said as he made a sword out of sharpened bamboo.
"We'll see you back at the dorms then." Shinobi said as the group walked to the nearest sound of commotion.
"Now then where were we." Zoka said turning around.
"7th Bamboo Blade Technique: Bamboo Fangs"
"Who else is left." Asked Iyashi as they walked over to another gymnasium area.
"Uhh Takasa, Michi, Kontorutsu, and Zuri said that they were gonna be working on their quirks in gym B." Joey said.
"And Hayai and Taiyo were racing each other at the track field." Shinobi said.
"I guess we can check on the girls then." Iyashi said.
"Hehe speaking of girls, how's it going with you and Juryoku." Joey said with a smug look on his face.
"The hell do you mean by that." Iyashi said in confusion.
"Boy you are not the brightest tool in the shed are you." Shinobi said with a face palm.
"What's that supposed to mean." Iyashi said with even more confusion.
"Don't worry we'll tell you all about it when you grow up." Joey said patting his back.
Joey and Shinobi both laughed as Iyashi kept asking them about what they were going on about.
"Yo girls, we got about 30 more minutes left before Mr. Mindjack shuts it down. How's it going." Shinobi said as he walked into the gymnasium.
Michi was currently punching herself in the face as Kontorutsu was too busy trying to contain her laughter, while Zuri and Takasa were both practicing their attacks.
"Jello Lash"
A rock was cut in half as Zuri retracted her extended arm back to normal.
Zuri Katachi, her quirk Jello. While she may not look like it, she is always in her Jello form. She can stretch and mend herself into any form of her liking her one big weakness however, Heat.
"Light Lance"
An voice could be heard from the back of the gym as Takasa suddenly appeared in front of the huge rock mound where Zuri was practicing on when suddenly.
The entirety of the rock mound came crashing down as Zuri used her Jello arm to stick to the ceiling and hang from there.
Zuri angrily said as she dropped down to the floor.
"Please, this is by far my least destructive move." Takasa said in an annoyed tone.
Takasa Pika, her quirk Light. This quirk allows Takasa to conjure, manipulate, and become light. Despite what it sounds like, Takasa is not actually capable of traveling at the speed of light, her speed is more so on par of the speed of sound. Nevertheless this makes her excessively powerful, and as for its drawbacks. When Takasa transforms into light she is only able to move in a straight line unless reflected or refracted. Not only this, but upon being submerged in complete darkness she loses all of her light related abilities.
"You guys done yet, we don't want Mr. Hitoshi (Mindjack) to give us extra homework." Joey said to them.
"Oh Zuri, Michi, and I are done, Takasa had said she wanted to practice a little more on her own." Kontorutsu said as she released Michi from her control.
"Well either way we should probably head back to the dorms now so make it quick Takasa." Joey said as the group walked back through the entrance.
Takasa turned around to faced what remained of the rubble.
She took one deep breath and opened her eyes.
She had transformed one of her legs into pure concentrated light and lifted it up a bit.
The ray of light got brighter and brighter as it began to move downwards from her leg.
"Light Drive"
She launched a kick and sent all of the light into one concentrated beam and destroyed what remained of the rubble.
Everyone else had left aside from Shinobi, as he watched from the doorway.
"You just gonna stand there?" An exhausted Takasa told Shinobi.
"I'm just scouting out the competition." Shinobi said as he walked up to her.
"Why I'm honored that you consider me competition." Takasa said.
"I can sense sarcasm as well you know."  Shinobi said as he held out his hand to help her up.
"Well now isn't there anything you can't do." Takasa said as he swatted his hand away and stood up by herself.
"I'm sorry is there a problem." Shinobi asked her.
"I'd rather not talk about it, Neutron."
Takasa started to walk away, until Shinobi gently grabbed her by the wrist.
"Listen, we're gonna be in the same class for a while, so if there's any problem I'd like to resolve that." Shinobi, in a calm demeanor, said.
Suddenly Takasa turned her leg into light and kicked Shinobi, sending him flying back.
"Don't ever suddenly grab me again."
Shinobi stood up with his telekinesis and sent a push launching Takasa through the doors.
"Don't ever kick me like that either."
An angered Takasa got up and converted her arm into light as Shinobi made it out of the gymnasium area.
A surge of light completely blinded Shinobi and the others who were still near the area.
"Light Drive"
Takasa appeared before Shinobi suddenly ready to kick.
"Mind Bari"
Instinctively, Shinobi created a barrier around himself and just barely blocking Takasa's attack.
Shinobi inside his barrier was sent flying upward.
Author Speaking——
So to get a better understanding of everything, the location of this fight is taking place in a field in front of a gymnasium near the student dorms.
This field has Light Tower all around it to maintain lighting throughout the night.

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