Chapter 1:The New Hero Billboard Chart

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The new day in japan is beautiful and out of the blue
Speeds by the new number one hero and symbol of peace
BZZZZZ Dekus phone begins to ring
SIGH "I already know ochako", Deku thinks to himself as he picks up the phone "Deku", comes a panicked voice from the other line. Even though it's through his phone and no ones around she still calls him the same  despite being married for fifteen years Ochako still calls him the same, Deku."Where are you they're about to start", she says in a calmer tone. "I'm almost there", says the number one hero.
Deku can now hear the tapping as she starts going through her smartphone,"I see you on the map you're five miles away" "Like I said I'm almost there." "Love you and please hurry" "Love you too."
He stops the call

"Ochako ," says a voice,"Yea Tsu" "Midoriyas cutting it pretty close again isn't he." Says her green haired friend."Looks like it."she says as she begins to slide down her chair embarrassed.

"Thank you all for coming today,"says the announcer." A hero is one who will risk their lives to save others but today we will be recognizing some of the greatest hero's to make it to the top ten ."

" Starting us off is the number ten hero, he is the first hero to make top ten in their debut year, introducing the warrior hero Genji."Not the villain from heroes rising he is based off of Genji from overwatch

Insert new quirk announcer guy here
The warrior hero Genji his quirk heightened senses. With this quirk he can see an ant in the grass from about a mile away, hear bullets as they travel through the air, know what elements an item is made of just by touching it, know the genetical makeup of something he eats and know who cut the cheese, that last one isn't very useful though. He also has a sword made of the hardest metal known to man.

"Moving on to number nine she can hop, skip and make villains trip, the rainy season hero froppy." "I'm honored, ribbit.", says the frog.

The rainy season hero froppy, her quirk frog. She can do basically what ever a frog can do but better!

"Next up the number eight hero, he's cool and fly, though his brain may be fried at times, here's the stun gun hero Chargebolt." A little chuckle came from the crowd "I know it's you earphone jack!" ,Chargebolt says loudly.

The stun gun hero Chargebolt ,his quirk electrification. He can discharge electricity from his body but if he goes over wattage limit, which is currently 15 million volts, his brain gets fried.

"Coming up next is number seven. They say everyone is a book filled with information, well this woman has nearly all of it. Introducing the everything hero Creati." "I just...want to say thank you to everyone who helped me achieve this award."
Insert the bounce effect here

The everything hero creati, her quirk creation. She can create anything as long as she knows the genetic makeup of it.She can't create living organisms though.

Fifteen minutes later

"Well that was fifteen minutes of the awards we won't get back anyways moving on. Number six he is the chivalrous and sturdy hero Red riot." "I still can't seem to move up", says the sturdy hero to himself quietly.

The sturdy hero Red riot, his quirk hardening. He can harden parts of his body to a near unbreakable state.

     "Number five. They say two brains are better than one well this hero is that saying personified, introducing the jet black hero Tsukoyami."

    The jet black hero Tsukoyami, his quirk ,Dark shadow. His shadow is a sentient being that can help increase Tsukoyami's fighting capabilities, it's also stronger in darker areas.

    "Number four he can freeze em, he can burn em it's the hero Shoto." "I should have chosen another hero name.", thought Shoto to himself.

      The hero Shoto ,his quirk half hot and half cold. He freezes with his right side and burns with the left.
He generally uses his ice as defense while using his fire as offense.

    "Number three he has saved millions and will soon save billions. The phantom hero Lemillion."

     The phantom hero, Lemillion his quirk permeation. He can phase through any type of matter however like a whale underwater he can't stay in the ground for long without enough air.

     "Next up a hero with an explosive personality you'll end up loving him for it it's the blast hero Dynamight." "The hell did you say about my personality!?" Said the hero loudly.

      The blast hero Dynamight, his quirk explosion. With this quirk he sweats nitroglycerin which allows him to cause explosions from the palm of his hands.

    "And lastly he has remained number one for Fifteen years and it doesn't look like he'll give up the title, introducing the new symbol of peace, Deku!"
     "I said the number one hero, Deku?"
    "Oh no," thought Uravity to herself " he's late agai-"
      "I AM HERE!" , yelled the number one hero as he burst through the door.
     " YOU'RE LATE AGAIN DEKU!", scolded the number two hero
    " Right sorry"
"And again the new symbol of peace and number one hero, DEKU!"

The symbol of peace Deku, his quirk One for all. This is a quirk that has been passed down for generations to defeat the symbol of evil All for One

That night in Tartarus Prison Cemetery "Are you sure this is going to work", says a eerie voice, it was the type of voice you would hear if a snake could talk," Yes I'm sure now hurry up and help me dig up this body." Snapped back another strange voice. They had murdered 2 cemetery guards in order to get in, and on the tombstone read the words
"Remind me why exactly are we digging up this body?" "I've already told you ten times you fucking moron, the ritual won't work unless we have the body." " Could you speed this up, I hear more guards.", come from someone who was on lookout. "Then deal with them." "All my shooting is just gonna attract more unwanted attention." "Just fucking shoot them already." "You asked for it."
     The people that approached them were 2 Security guards and a hero.
    The hero's name was Shield and his quirk was similar to that of his fathers, Crust.
   "Alright who goes there." Said shield "We just got lost on ou-" but before he could finish that sentence one of the guards shone his flashlight on him.         Revealing a man in a suit stocked to the brim with guns, he had two pistols, one sniper, two uzis and a shotgun. The parts that weren't covered with guns showed a silver color with a mask that had goggles covering where his eyes were supposed to show.
      "You are under arrest for trespassing on private property, hands up.", said one of the guards. "Ooh that's a no no, Snek!" ,and from the darkness two spews of acid were shot. One of them melting the flashlight while the other melted one of the guards face right off. As more and more skin was melting off his face the man with guns pulled out an uzi.
      As he was about to shoot shield use his quirk to make an iron wall from the remains of the flashlight but it was all for nothing as the bullets penetrated the shield effortlessly. Shield was shot in the knee and foot while the other guard wasn't shot. The iron wall vanished and as the guard stood up to fire back another bullet was shot into his head, but instead of piercing his head it blew up on impact leaving brains and blood flying everywhere.
       And from the shadows stepped out the villain that had caused one of the largest massacres in Japanese history, Sharpshooter. Realizing who he was shield stood up and tried to fight but everyone knows never bring a shield to a gunfight.
      The following morning three dead bodies were found and one dead body was missing ,it was the body of All for One.
   To those of you who have read this all the way through, thank you.
   This is the first chapter I have ever written so it's pretty special to me I will try to write a new chapter by next week and as always

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