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"Good morning."A white haired man greeted

"What?"Yuji said while looking around then back to the white haired man with a slightly blurry vision

"Which are you right now?"The white haired man asked "You look like..."Yuji paused

"I'm Satoru Gojo, the person in charge of the first-years at Jujutsu High."Gojo said

Yuji looked up "Jujutsu...Y/n,Yushiro and Fushiguro-senpai!--" "What?" "What is this?"Yuji asked while looking at the rope looking with some talismans(?)

(A/n:Yes Yushiro's reincarnation still has the same name as the past Yushiro since idk what to name him yet)

"It is not the time to worry about other people, Yuji Itadori"Gojo started "A secret execution has been imposed on you and the two beside me."He continued slowly looking at the two people beside him.


*Telephone ringing* "Hello this is sugisawa-"The person on the phone got cut off "I'm Itadori." "The one who just called"Yuji stated

"Yes." "I haven't heard any reply. Did my grandpa say anything?"He asks "That's strange. I've told him." "Wait. I'll ask."The nurse replied

"Mr.Itadori never rings the nurse's bell"Nurse No.1 said "It's actually kind of scary."Nurse No.2 replied

"Mr.Itadori, you have a call" "Yuji is asking if there's anything you want him,Y/n and Yushiro to bring--"The nurse got cut off

"So noisy! Tell him not to come. Enjoy the club activities. Join the club. And also tell him to not bring Yushiro and Y/n here! And let them enjoy the club activities too!"An old man exclaimed

"What's going on?"A nurse asked to herself and then cleared her throat "Did you hear that, Yuji? And the ones about the club?"She asked but this time to Yuji

After hearing those he deadpanned then answered "Thank you. I'll be there tomorrow afternoon."Yuji replied then hanged the Telephone

"Are we still going there? Cause I think we should do what your grandpa said."Y/n stated "What she said"Yushiro commented

"We're gonna do the clubs then go to him"Yuji replied "Alright then!"Y/n agreed


At Miyagi Sugisawa Municipal High School

A tall boy with light green eyes and spiky dark blue hair is walking towards a little box thingy

"It's silly to keep a special grade curse in a place like this"He stated he see's the lock opened "What?"He questioned to himself

And then opened the little doors only to find it empty, he started to look for it above the box, below, opened and closed the little doors, and the sides just to see nothing and eventually gave up.


"I couldn't find it"He said on the phone "What?"A person asked "The instrument shelter is empty"He stated

"Are you serious?"The person on the phone asked again "That's funny, Maybe it went for a walk at night?"The person on the phone joked "I'm going to hit you"The dark blue haired irritatedly replied

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