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Nurses then took Mr. Itadori somewhere. Yuji,Y/n and Yushiro just got done packing stuff of probably Mr. Itadori. And signed the Death Certificate

"Well, that's all the documents i need."The nurse said "Okay.Thank you for your care."Yuji said in a low tone

"Are you three really ok?"The nurse asked. Y/n only gave an nod then a small smile as an answer while Yushiro looked away giving off a cold expression

Yuji looked at the both and then looked down"It's the first time were experiencing a loss, so maybe it doesn't feel like it's real yet"

"But my grandpa's going to get mad at us for frowning so much, I'll just smile while i burn him up."Yuji stated

"Don't say it like that"The nurse replied then a certain dark blue haired boy came

"Are you Yuji Itadori?" "I'm Fushiguro from Jujutsu High. I have something to tell you now."The dark blu- i mean Fushiguro stated


"Well, i'm in mourning"Whined Yuji "Sorry, i don't have time. The cursed object on your hand is very dangerous. Please give it to me right away"Fushiguro said " "The Cursed Object"? "Yuji asked

"This one."Fushiguro said holding up his phone showing a picture

"Fushiguro said holding up his phone showing a picture

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"Oh, that one! I picked it up."Yuji blankly said while Fushiguro is giving a mad or annoyed look "I don't care, but my seniors are very interested. Why is that dangerous?"Yuji asked

"The number of unidentified deaths and missing person in Japan exceeds 10,000 annually"Fushiguro started while scrolling through his phone

"Most of them were caused by the "curse" "He continued " "Curse"? "Yuji ask

"Believe it or not, this is the truth. I'll go on. Resentment gathers easily in schools and in hospitals. Pain, regret, shame... Humanity's negative emotions and the source of the curse. That's why many schools keep secret "exorcism" curses. The one you got is also one of them."Fushiguro started


"What do you think they're talking about?"Yushiro asked "Who knows.."Y/n answered "But I feel like something is wrong" "Let's just be cautious then"Yushiro commented

'I also feel like something is wrong, but if there is something wrong..I won't it hurt Yuji and Y/n!' Yushiro thought


"--Hand it over before someone dies"Fushiguro finished "I told you that I don't mind, go and see my seniors"Yuji replied taking the box Fushiguro was talking about out of his hoodie's pocket and handed it to Fushiguro

And Fushiguro catches it and checks it but to his surprise it's empty 'It's Empty. All I'm tracking is the rubbish attached to the box.' Fushiguro thought

Yuji was gonna go to Y/n and Yushiro then leave but Fushiguro grabbed his shoulder to make Yuji face him

"Where's the thing inside?"Fushiguro asked shouting a little which made Y/n and Yushiro go to them

"I told you, it's with my senior..."Yuji paused "What happened?"Fushiguro asked "Yes, they said they were going to reveal the symbol at school tonight." What?"Fushiguro said backing up

"Is something serious going on?"Yushiro asked entering the conversation "It's not just that."Fushiguro started 'Huh?' Both Y/n and Yushiro thought

"They are going to die."Fushiguro continued 'D-die!? Why are they talking about our seniors? What's going on?' Y/n thought having a worried face while the word 'Die' kept repeating on her head and Yushiro having a confused look.


"I can't take it off."Sasaki said "Do we really have to sneak in here to do this? Turn on the lights."Iguchi replied standing up but was stopped by Sasaki"No, don't ruin the mood. Feeling stimulation is the essence of the Occult Club. Don't worry, nothing will happen."Sasaki assured and after a few seconds of silence Sasaki was the first to break it "I took it down."Sasaki stated. Iguchi went to sit again and Sasaki continued taking the talisman off

"Human finger."Iguchi said "A real finger?"Sasaki asked and just then the candle went out after a few seconds of silence again "This is..."Sasaki said but was cut of by a sudden shake making both of them shriek the finger fell to the table but Sasaki quickly held it with both of her hands still on the table "What happened?"Sasaki asked not knowing theres a creature above them


After Yuji explained to Y/n and Yushiro what him and Fushiguro were talking about earlier"Was it easy to reveal the symbols?"Yushiro asked all four of them running "A man without cursed energy can't do it. Normally, it is."Fushiguro replied "Move to the right."Yuji directed "The content is too strong this time. The seal is too old. It's just an old paper now."Fushiguro stated

"But I still can't imagine what you said about the curse."Yuji stated "Where are they?"Fushiguro asked "Fourth Floor."Yuji replied

The four of them stopped in their tracks as they felt the immense aura coming from the school "What's with the pressure?"Yuji asked

'What an incredibly strong aura!' Y/n and Yushiro thought "You three stay here."Fushiguro said he then climbed the gate but stopped on top when Yuji said something "I'm coming too! It's dangerous, right?"Yuji exclaimed "Even though I just met them, they are my friends, so I can't just leave it alone."He continued

Fushiguro then stood up"Stay here."He said then went to the school "Tsk!...Huh?"Yuji said then realized that both Y/n and Yushiro are gone.

"Y/n-chan! Why did you suddenly ran?"Yushiro asked "I'm sorry Yushiro-kun, I'm just really worried for them"Y/n apologized "Well..since we're already here let's just go"Yushiro said grabbing your hand



"What time is it? The hour hand points to 11..."The creature said walking around 'What's wrong with that monster?' Sasaki mentally asked herself while trying to not make any noise

"Sasaki"Iguchi said walking towards Sasaki's direction "Iguchi, thank goodness! Where have you been?"Sasaki asked "Help me.."Iguchi pleaded then Sasaki noticed there was a creature on his face

"What time is it?"The creature from earlier said next to the doorframe and then grabbing Sasaki from the head

Y/n and Yushiro were running up the stairs and saw Sasaki being taken by the creature both of them assumed it's a curse "That's a curse?"Yushiro asked giving an Disgusted look "Looks like it"Y/n replied "We need to help them come on!"Y/n said dashing towards the curse, Sasaki and Iguchi's location

She then sharpened her nails and attacked the curse and Yushiro did the same thing(A/n:Just so you know, both of them remembers their past..but Y/n (Tamayo) Doesn't remember alot only the fact that she's a demon and died due to fighting Muzan)


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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